Created by Robert Venditti and Tony S. Daniel

Marie Jonas


Occupation: Colonel in the U.S. Army
Status: Active
Homeworld: Earth
Citizenship: American
Marital Status: Married
Known Relatives: Tom Jonas (husband)
Group Affiliation (current): Damage Program
Gender: Female
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Distinguishing Features: Wears an eye patch over her right eye covering part of a scar on the right side of her face.
First Appearance: Batman: The Merciless #1 (December 2017)
Creators: Robert Venditti and Tony S. Daniel


Colonel Marie Jonas has come up through the military and is now leading the Damage Program where she is in charge of Ethan Avery who turns into the monster known as Damage for one hour a day. Col. Jonas' exact involvement in Avery's transformation is yet to be revealed. Using Damage as a military asset dropping him into war zones around the world, Jonas can prevent the need for actual ground forces.


Not yet available


For a definitive list of appearances of Marie Jonas in chronological order click here