Created by Chuck Dixon and Scot Eaton

Magaan (Magaan Van'n Intraktus).png
Magaan; Art by Scot Eaton


Full Name: Magaan Van'n Intraktus
Occupation: Conqueror
Homeworld: Van'n Homeworld
Space Sector: Unidentified
Group Affiliation(s): The Van'n Imperium
Gender: Male
Eyes: Red
Hair: Bald, with reddish-brown beard
First Appearance: Green Lantern: The New Corps #1 (March 1999)
Creators: Chuck Dixon and Scot Eaton


Magaan Van'n Intraktus was a rebel warlord and leader of the Van'n Imperium, a scourge to all sentient life. His life, as Magaan related to Kyle Rayner, the Green Lantern from Earth, involved continuous war with those who would seek to annihilate his clan. The Council of Clans had united, demanding there would be one law and one clan. Magaan claimed the Van'n only wished to live in freedom but after the years of bloodshed the Van'n were finally surrounded, outnumbered and outgunned. Before Rayner arrived, the Van'n had few days left to live. Rayner cut through the Council's forces with the emerald energy of his power ring and drove back the attackers. Magaan, the elder or leader, of his clan was quick to ally himself with the powerful stranger.

Rayner, who had been crossed the stars to form a new Green Lantern Corps, believed Magaan would be an ideal candidate to wield the power ring. Indeed, Magaan proved quite capable with the emerald energy as the two defenders drove off what the Council of Clans had planned to be the final assault on the Van'n. Magaan honored Rayner for his service to the Van'n, making the Green Lantern from Earth a member of his clan. Before leaving the celebration, Rayner gave Magaan a power battery formed from a piece of Rayner's own battery. He warned the elder of the Van'n of the ring's vulnerability to yellow as well as the need to recharge the ring every twenty-four hours.

While Rayner went on to the Iiskado system where he met the alien bounty hunter Hammeroon, then Soviet cosmonaut Anya Savenlovich, and, finally miner Garl Rathbone and Judge Sool on Waystation in the Daffath system, Magaan was occupied reshaping his homeworld. - Green Lantern: The New Corps #1

Magaan set out to forge a new era, that of the Second Van'n Imperium. To this end he created Phothus, a gigantic computer brain which ran a planet moving engine, fueled by the energy of the power ring. Magaan moved the Van'n Homeworld into the gravity well of a black hole.

In the event horizon, time itself was trapped in status. Outside the gravity well a matter of days had passed while inside the gravity well on the Van'n Homeworld twenty years passed. Undisturbed by outside forces, the damage of the wars had been repaired and Magaan was absolute ruler of his world. In the twenty years, Magaan built an army totally subservient to him, the only ruler the new generation had ever known. He mastered the power ring as well, learning of its vulnerability to yellow, all the while preparing for his eventual confrontation with Rayner.

When he was finally ready, Magaan moved his homeworld from the gravity well and unleashed an antimatter storm. The storm traveled outward from the Van'n Homeworld at near light speed and was accelerating. Everything in its path was obliterated. Entire solar systems fell in minutes.

By the time the antimatter storm had reached .75 light speed it had washed over Kyle Rayner, his friends and pursuers from Waystation. Only the power ring was mighty enough to save them from death. Though Rayner was inexperienced with the dangers of space as well as the Van'n Imperium, those around him recognized the threat to existence. Even Judge Sool was willing to put aside his differences with them to stop the antimatter storm. Rayner gave them their own power rings to aid him in the coming confrontation with Magaan.

Recognizing Rayner, Magaan ordered all ships to fire upon his former ally with yellow spectrum weapons, not realizing Rayner's power ring did not have the yellow weakness of the Corps ring. When Magaan moved in for the kill, Rayner struck back.

On the Van'n homeworld, the Green Lantern Corps made their way past Van'n defenses and were surprised to find Phothus had become self-aware and wanted to stop Magaan's reign of destruction.

After a brutal battle, Rayner stripped Magaan of the power ring he had given him. The fallen leader of the Second Van'n Imperium planned to take his enemies with him in death. As a contingency plan in case Phothus ever betrayed him, Magaan had an ion cannon aimed at the unstable core of his homeworld. When the new Green Lantern Corps had removed the inhibitor device from Phothus, enabling the sentient computer to stop the antimatter storm, they had inadvertently set off the booby trap. In seconds the planet beneath their feet would be destroyed.

Fortunately, the Green Lanterns were powerful enough to protect themselves from the world's destruction. Magaan was later sentenced to Roundaway, a prison ship where he remains to this day. - Green Lantern: The New Corps #2; Green Lantern Secret Files #2


As a Green Lantern, Magaan possessed a power ring and power battery.


For a definitive list of appearances of Magaan in chronological order click here


Green Lantern Secret Files #2 (September 1999)


 : The Jim Lee cover of Infinite Crisis #7 features a slew of Green Lanterns including Sool and Magaan. Since it seems highly unlikely Magaan would ever be a Lantern again, I'm going to have to consider it an artist's mistake and unfortunately rule out Sool as well for now, at least.