Created by Chuck Dixon and Scott McDaniel


Occupation: Police officer
Base of Operation: Blüdhaven
Gender: Male
First Appearance: Nightwing Vol. 2 #33 (July 1999)
Creators: Chuck Dixon and Scott McDaniel


A typically corrupt recruit in the Blüdhaven police department, Arnot soon received a promotion to Inspector, filling a job left vacant since the disappearance of Dudley Soames. When Soames came back to the 'haven as Torque, one of his actions was to throw Arnot out the window in the process of destroying the police headquarters. Arnot seemed to have some sort of plan in mind for the seemingly incorruptible recruit Dick Grayson, but although Arnot survived the purge of departmental corruption, he will not see this to fruition as Grayson has left the force.


For a definitive list of appearances of Mac Arnot in chronological order click here