Created by Will Pfeifer and Patrick Gleason


Real Name: Lorena Marquez
Base of Operation: Sub Diego
Group Affiliation(s): Teen Titans
Gender: Female
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
First Appearance: (Lorena): Aquaman Vol. 6 #16 (May 2004)
(Aquagirl): Aquaman Vol. 6 #26 (March 2005)
Creators: Will Pfeifer and Patrick Gleason


A young woman from San Diego who was one of thousands to find themselves submerged when the city was torn apart by an earthquake. Like many of the survivors, she found she could breathe underwater thanks to the experiments of a man named Anton Geist. However, unlike many others from 'Sub Diego', Lorena can breathe out of water for a limited time, and has come to be a friend and helper to Aquaman.

After helping him for a while, she donned a blue costume and came to be known as Aquagirl. She fell in love with Aquaman's son, Koryak, only to lose him when Atlantis was destroyed by the Spectre. Since the destruction of Atlantis, her whereabouts have mostly been unknown, but she did briefly join up with the Teen Titans in the turbulent year that followed.


For a definitive list of appearances of Aquagirl in chronological order click here