Created by Gerry Conway and Joe Staton


Real Name: Chey-Nu
Homeworld: Dryad
Group Affiliation(s): League of Super-Assassins; Legion of Super-Villains
Gender: Male
First Appearance: Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #253 (July 1979): "Night of the Super-Assassins"
Creators: Gerry Conway and Joe Staton


Born on Dryad from human parents, Chey-Nu was recruited and given power to become light by the Dark Man to serve in his League of Super-Assassins. Revelling in the use (and abuse) of his powers he never showed any remorse for his actions, even when he cremated a whole village and its inhabitants in one burst of light just to make an example. He later joined the Legion of Super-Villains in their attempt to take over Orando.


For a definitive list of appearances of Lazon in chronological order click here


Who's Who in the Legion of Super-Heroes #3 (July 1988)