Created by Ruben Diaz and Travis Charest |
Occupation: Green Lantern
Homeworld: Jayd
Space Sector: 112
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Kentor Omoto (father, deceased), unnamed mother
Group Affiliation(s): Green Lantern Corps; Red Lantern Corps
Gender: Female
Eyes: Unknown
Hair: Reddish brown
First Appearance: Green Lantern Corps Quarterly #6/2 (Autumn 1993): "What Price Honor?"
Creators: Ruben Diaz and Travis Charest
The story of Laira was told to Power Girl and Maya of the Justice League. The storyteller, Arisia, former Green Lantern of Graxos IV wished to tell the Justice Leaguers of other women in the Corps.
Laira was the daughter of Kentor Omoto, the Green Lantern of Jayd in Space Sector 112. He served for many years, and primed Laira as his successor. Laira was raised with honor and tradition.
As a native of Jayd, Laira's father resented the Draez council's decision to slowly abolish timeless rules. He left Jayd during the so-called Crisis on Infinite Earths.
Many years later, the Guardians of the Universe came to Jayd with news of Kentor Omoto's death. Laira was considered to take his place as a Green Lantern.
She went under the tutelage of one of the Guardians. Her training nearing completion, Laira was sent on a mission to her homeworld.
X'ol, a city on Jayd, had been terrorized by the Golden Dragon. Laira went to his castle to face him, and discovered the Golden Dragon was actually her father, Kentor Omoto. He told Laira of his return to Jayd from the Crisis. He had been disgusted by the behavior of the people of X'ol, and used his ring to influence the Draez council's decisions.
When the Guardians discovered Kentor's actions, he was charged with political interference, and stripped of his power ring. He was then returned to Jayd, and exiled by the council. Kentor Omoto took on the identity of the Golden Dragon, to remake X'ol in his image.
Omoto tried to get his daughter to join him by betraying the ideals of the Corps. She was opposed to this, and they fought once again.
Defeated by Laira, Kentor Omoto asked for death rather than living with his disgrace. When Laira refused, he committed ritual suicide.
Laira was angry at the Guardians for not telling her the truth about her father and her mission to Jayd. To be assured she was without fear, the Guardians had sent her to confront her father. Theey believed the exercise would be an excellent way to judge her skills and loyalty.
Laira was called upon once more by the Guardians. She and Ke'Haan of Varva were among the Green Lanterns defending Oa from Hal Jordan. They were defeated by Jordan, and their rings were taken.
After the fall of the Blackest Night, a black ring descended upon her corpse, downloaded all of her memories and reanimated her body as a member of the Black Lantern Corps. Laira had the powers of a Red Lantern, but expelled ebony, rather than crimson flame.
As a Green Lantern, Laira possessed a power ring and power battery.
As a Red Lantern, Laira wielded a red power ring giving her the capability of flight, survival in space and most dangerously, the ability to spew a napalm-like red plasma from her mouth, which incinerated all it touched.
For a definitive list of appearances of Laira in chronological order click here
Green Lantern/Sinestro Corps Secret Files #1 (February 2008)