 KRAKEN (Unpronounceable)BIOGRAPHY
Created by Paul Kupperberg and Carmine Infantino


Real Name: Unpronounceable
Homeworld: Unknown
Race: Unidentified / extra-dimensional
Gender: Male
Hair: None
First Appearance: Supergirl Vol. 2 #18 (April 1984): "Call Me--Kraken"
Creators: Paul Kupperberg and Carmine Infantino


By his own account, the alien called Kraken comes from another dimension. He sought to prove his worth to his gods by rite of conquest and thus be admitted into his version of heaven. Years ago, in deep space he attacked the domed Argo City. Though he may have cracked the city dome, he was ultimately repelled, near mortally injured. Years after, he found Argo City once more but he would not have his vengeance as the city was abandoned.

He eventually made his way to Earth, and inhabited Lake Michigan where he demanded tribute from any who dared cross the body of water by aircraft or boat. This brought the attention of Supergirl, coincidentally a survivor of the doomed Argo City.

The two battled, with Kraken's advanced technology (which he referred to as magic) giving him the upper hand. Despite this advantage, Supergirl was able to defeat her scaly foe and he was imprisoned. His current whereabouts and activities are unknown.


For a definitive list of appearances of Kraken in chronological order click here