Created by Gardner Fox and Gil Kane


Occupation: Would-be conqueror
Homeworld: Unknown
Known Relatives: Amoka (father)
Gender: Male
Eyes: White
Hair: None
First Appearance: Green Lantern 80-Page Giant #2/4 (June 2000): "Everybody Goes to Guy's"
Creators: Gardner Fox and Gil Kane


In a story yet to be detailed, Kraggadoom, son of Amoka, was found by Buck Wargo and Roderick "Snowy" Rayner during their adventure in the Ngorongoro Crater. Imprisoned within a spherical "puzzle," Kraggadoom slumbered in what he called "the Empty Place."

Years later, the sphere was on display with other adventure memorabilia at Warriors, the super-hero themed restaurant established by former Green Lantern Guy Gardner. Kraggadoom was accidentally freed by a small boy who wanted to play with the sphere. Back on Earth, Kraggadoom went on a rampage. His only thoughts were to destroy, devour, and rule whatever remained. Kraggadoom found himself opposed by Guy Gardner and Green Lantern Kyle Rayner, coincidentally the grandson of Rod Rayner. Kraggadoom's formidable strength and invulnerability made him an unstoppable foe.

While Lady Blackhawk kept the monster's attention with a barrage of gunfire, Gardner and Rayner fumbled with the puzzle sphere. Kraggadoom tried to stop them but was too late to prevent his defeat. Once the design on the sphere had been restored, Kraggadoom was sucked back inside. The sphere is now in a hopefully safer display, locked away from curious hands. Kraggadoom has not been heard from since.


For a definitive list of appearances of Kraggadoom in chronological order click here