KGBEAST (Anatoli Knyazev) | BIOGRAPHY |
Created by Jim Starlin and Jim Aparo |
Real Name: Anatoli Knyazev
Occupation: Assassin
Status: Deceased
Citizenship: Russian
Base of Operation: Mobile
Group Affiliation(s): KGB (former)
Gender: Male
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 231 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
First Appearance: Batman #417 (March 1988): "Ten Nights of the Beast"
Creators: Jim Starlin and Jim Aparo
A savage agent of the KGB, The Beast eventually turned rogue, pursuing his own missions, one of which brought him into conflict with the Batman. So determined never to lose, he cut off his own hand in order to escape the Dark Knight Detective, later replacing it with fearsome weaponry. He had escaped from death on several occasions but was killed by Tally Man II.
For a definitive list of appearances of KGBeast in chronological order click here
Who's Who Update '88 #2 (September 1988)
Who's Who in the DC Universe #4 (November 1990)