Created by John Francis Moore and Paul Guinan


Real Name: Hayden Glass
Marital Status: Presumed single
Known Relatives: Unnamed mother and father
Base of Operation: Star City, 2113 AD
Gender: Male
Hair: Black
First Appearance: Chronos #1 (March 1998): "Chronos: Time Out Of Time"
(chronologically, and as Justice League Slayer): Chronos #7 (September 1998): "The Killing Rain"
Creators: John Francis Moore and Paul Guinan


Though Star City police reports in the year 2113 AD identify him as Hayden Glass, an experiment from the Cadmus Project, Glass was better known to the public as "The Justice League Slayer". Glass claimed his father was a super-hero who had abandoned his mother when she was pregnant. Glass was born with the metagenetic ability to change his physical appearance. When he first transformed he could not change back. Living on the streets, he found once he killed a vagrant he was able to change back to himself.

As the Justice League Slayer, Glass would change his appearance and wear the costume of a Justice Leaguer, then commit a murder using weapons that would mimic aspects of their powers. Finally, he would leave a spraypaint calling card of the Justice Leaguer's symbol. His goal was one death for each member of the Justice League. His third victim was incinerated as he posed as Superman and his fourth was as Green Lantern.

Posing as the Flash to commit his fifth murder, his actions were witnessed by the time travelling Walker Gabriel, and as Walker has seen his "secret identity" he would be the next to die.

Glass tracked Walker down as a police officer, then posed as Green Arrow to kill his enemy but Walker was saved by a fellow time traveller, Fiorella de Ravenna. The Justice League Slayer was handed over to the authorities. -Chronos #7

In the 23rd century, a malfunction in the Belle Reve Cryogenic Facility accidentally defrosted Hayden Glass. After killing three gurads at the Time Institute, Glass used the Kaplan Relay Sphere to jump back to the late 20th Century. He had planned to kill Gabriel and replace before he became Chronos, but was stopped by a forewarned older version of Gabriel. Glass was brought back to the Jurassic Era and abandoned by Gabriel. -Chronos #1

The entirety of Hayden Glass' spree as the Justice League Slayer was averted by Walker when the timetraveller warned the Star City police before Glass could commit his first murder. - Chronos #10


The Justice League Slayer's shape changing ability seems to be limited to altering his face. The extent of his powers are not known but would appear limited. He has not been observed to be able to change his body, and has to change into the costumes of the Justice Leaguers he is representing. Technology available in the year 2113 would be used to mimic the Justice Leaguer's powers, such as a scrambler device used to kill a victim as the Flash, or simple bow and arrow when posing as Green Arrow.


For a definitive list of appearances of The Justice League Slayer in chronological order click here