Created by Robert Kanigher and Carmine Infantino


Full Name: Iris Ann Russell West Allen
Aliases: Iris West
Occupation: Journalist
Citizenship: American
Marital Status: Married
Known Relatives: Eric Russell (biological father); Fran Russell (biological mother), Barry Allen (husband), Don Allen (son; deceased), Dawn Allen (daughter; deceased), Ira West (adoptive father), Nadine West (adoptive mother, deceased), Rudolph West (adoptive brother), Mary West (former sister-in-law); Charlotte West (adoptive sister), Wally West (nephew), Bart Allen (grandson), Jenni Ognats (granddaughter)
Base of Operation: Central City, MO
Gender: Female
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 130 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
First Appearance: Showcase #4 (September-October 1956)
Creators: Robert Kanigher and Carmine Infantino


A reporter from Central City who fell in love with the eternally-late Barry Allen, Iris West was eventually to learn that not only was Barry also the super-fast Flash, but that her nephew Wally was his sidekick. She married her lover and, through a series of horrible events, wound up in the future, where she bore twin children shortly before Barry's apparent death. Iris eventually returned to her adopted era so that Wally could help her grandson Impulse survive the side effects of his inherited speed. Iris went into hiding, afraid of interfering with what to her was history, but appearing occasionally when something important had to be done. During this time, she wrote the best selling story The Life Story of the Flash. In a visit to the future, Iris learned of her grandson's death and sought to prevent it and despite her best efforts Bart's death proved to be inevitable. For a time she returned to her old home in Central City. During the "Final Crisis," Iris had been corrupted by the Anti-Life Equation, but Barry (having returned to the land of the living) is able to break its hold over her by kissing her and enveloping her in the Speed Force. Iris starts crying at the sight of Barry, who reassures her everything will be okay. After her husband's return to life, Iris fully returns to her life alongside the Flash Family and also returns to her old job as a crime reporter.






For a definitive list of appearances of Iris Allen in chronological order click here