Created by Cary Bates and Pat Broderick

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Heinrich Megala


Status: Deceased
Gender: Male
First Appearance: Captain Atom #1 (March 1987): "Point of Origin"
Creators: Cary Bates and Pat Broderick


Dr. Heinrich Megala was the instigator of what became known as Project Atom. His expedition with Damon and Ashana Long and Dr. Anton Sarrok to retrieve a sample from the Silver Shield with X-Ionizer led to the death of Damon, insanity of Dr. Sarrok, and eventual loss of the X-Ionizer and Ashana in Vietnam, as well as crippling injuries to Megala himself. Along the way, with Wade Eiling, and using the alien metal from the Silver Shield, he created Captain Atom and Major Force.

Megala participated in creating the "big lie" of Nathaniel's super-hero life, but, with the help of loyal Babylon (the son of the ill-fated Longs) set in motion a satellite that would reveal the "big lie" should he ever die (due to Megala's lack of trust in Wade Eiling). Megala did have some luck in regaining some of his mobility, providing an important clue in an attempted attack on the Captain Atom Project by Kobra (spurred on by the Ghost). He then sacrificed himself to stop the Ghost in his all out attack on Captain Atom and his friends. The satellite broadcast was a fake (Megala had not wanted to hurt Nate), but the broadcast was the impetus for Nathaniel to take the high road and reveal the details of the "big lie" on his own, proving Megala's faith that Nathaniel was a truly heroic individual.


For a definitive list of appearances of Heinrich Megala in chronological order click here