 Unofficial Harley's Little Black Book Index

Harley's Little Black Book 1 (Cover A)


Cover Date: February 2016
Cover Price: $4.99
Publication Date: 2015-12-02


Cover Credits:
Art: Amanda Conner (Cover A; signed), J. Scott Campbell (Cover C+D)
Pencils: J. Scott Campbell (Cover B)
Colors: Paul Mounts (Cover A), Nei Ruffino (Cover D)

Variant Covers:
Cover B
Pencils: J. Scott Campbell
Cover C
Art: J. Scott Campbell
Cover D
Art: J. Scott Campbell
Colors: Nei Ruffino

Story: "Little Black Book" (38 Pages)
"London's Not Calling"
"Knobs of Worry"
"Box Lunch"
"Home Invsion"
"The British Inquisition"
"And Bob's Your Uncle"


StoryAmanda Conner, Jimmy Palmiotti
ArtAmanda Conner, John Timms (pages 5-8, 10-18)
InksDave Johnson (pages 19-21)
ColorsPaul Mounts, Brian Miller
LetteringDave Sharpe
Assistant editingDave Wielgosz
EditingChris Conroy
Group editingMark Doyle

Feature Character(s):

Harley Quinn (also in flashback to Harley's childhood; last in ???)

Guest Star(s):

Wonder Woman (last/next in ???)

Supporting Character(s):

Gang of Harleys:
Harlem Harley (last in ???)
Harvey Quinn (last in ???)
Eggy (last in ???)
Bernie the Beaver (last in ???)
Mike the Rooster (last in ???)
Nathan the Wiener Dog (last in ???)
Harleen Quinzel's mother, father and brothers (in flashback to Harley's childhood)


Barmy Bugger (first appearance; a London-based super-villain)
Gilbert Winslow (first appearance; one of his henchmen)
Doc (first appearance; another one of his henchmen)
other unidentified henchmen (first appearance of all)
Anita (first appearance; a young girl and a bully; in flashback to Harley's childhood)
Shane (first appearance; a young boy and a bully; in flashback to Harley's childhood)
a third bully (first appearance; in flashback to Harley's childhood)

Other Character(s):

London Legion of Super-Heroes:
Big Bad Ben (first appearance; Benjamin Flanders, name revealed in issue #3)
Double Decker (first appearance; Sasha Cooper, name revealed in issue #3)
The Pub Crawler (first appearance; Nigel Niven, name revealed in issue #3)
Tiffany Terror (first appearance; Tiffany Lloyd, name revealed in issue #3)
Pricipal Moore (first appearance; in flashback to Harley's childhood)


Coney Island, NY
Sheepshead Bay, NY
London, England


It’s the sensational debut of a bimonthly, overstuffed, oversized team-up series in which Harley meets (and almost certainly annoys) the greatest heroes and villains of the DC Universe! First up? The incredible Wonder Woman! There’s a plot to assassinate Wondy, and Harley is convinced that only she could possibly stop it! (Hey, you want to tell her about all the other options? We tried.)


Additional Variant Covers