

Below is the definitive list of appearances of Guardian in chronological order. Flashback sequences or story entries will be followed by a [Flashback] note. Stories that for some reason are no longer part of current continuity will have a comment saying this in a note following the entry.

Follow the links for a complete index of the issue, including story and creator info as well as full character chronology and in some cases story synopses.

The chronology list can also be sorted according to Comic book title. Please note: If you want to go back to the chronological listing after having used the sorting tool you have to reload the page.

To go to the Guardian (Jim Harper II) biography click here.

Guardian Chronology

Click to list by alphabetically by title
Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen Special #1 (December 2008): "From a Cub to a Wolf"
Adventure Comics Special featuring The Guardian #1 (January 2009): [3] "New Krypton, Part Three: The Worst Night of His Life"
Superman Vol. 1 #682 (January 2009): [6] "New Krypton, Part Six: Invasive Surgery"
Action Comics #872 (February 2009): [7] "New Krypton, Part Seven: Brainiac Lives"
Superman Vol. 1 #683 (February 2009): [9] "New Krypton, Part Nine: Hard Times"
Action Comics #873 (March 2009): [10] "New Krypton, Part Ten: Birth of a Nation"
Superman Vol. 1 #684 (March 2009): [12] "The Mind of Rudy Jones"
Action Comics #874/2 (April 2009): [13] "Origins & Omens"
Superman Vol. 1 #685 (April 2009): [15] "The Long Goodbye"
Superman Vol. 1 #686 (May 2009): [19] "Yesterday and Tomorrow"
Superman Vol. 1 #687 (June 2009): [23] "Power and Weakness"
Superman Vol. 1 #688 (July 2009): [27] "The Fall and Rise of Jonathan Kent"
Action Comics #878 (August 2009): [29] "The Sleepers, Part 4" [Behind the scenes]
Superman Vol. 1 #689 (August 2009): [31] "The Tourist"
Superman Vol. 1 #690 (September 2009): [35] "The Setup"
Action Comics #880 (October 2009): [2] "Codename: Patriot, Part 2"
Supergirl Vol. 5 #44 (October 2009): [3] "Codename: Patriot Part 3"
Action Comics #881 (November 2009): [7] "The Hunt for Reactron, Part 1"
Superman Vol. 1 #692 (November 2009): [9] "Down Time"
Action Comics #882 (December 2009): [11] "The Hunt for Reactron, Part 3" [Behind the scenes]
Superman Vol. 1 #693 (December 2009): [13] "7734"
Superman Vol. 1 #694 (January 2010): [17] "Man of Valor, Part One"
Superman Vol. 1 #695 (February 2010): [21] "Man of Valor, Part Two"
Action Comics #885 (March 2010): [23] "Divine Spark, Part 3"
Superman Vol. 1 #696 (March 2010): [25] "Man of Valor, Part Three"
Supergirl Vol. 5 #50 (April 2010): "Queen" [Flashback]
Superman Vol. 1 #697 (April 2010): [29] "Man of Valor: The Espionage Squad"
Superman: War of the Supermen #1 (July 2010): "Superman: War of the Supermen, Part 1: The Battle for New Krypton"
Superman: War of the Supermen #2 (July 2010): "Superman: War of the Supermen, Part 2: The Battle for Mars"
Superman: War of the Supermen #3 (July 2010): "Superman: War of the Supermen, Part 3: The Battle for Earth"
Superman: War of the Supermen #4 (July 2010): "Superman: War of the Supermen, Part 4: The Battle for Survival"

ZZChronology Uncertain

It is currently uncertain where these stories fit into the character's internal chronology.

Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne #3 (early August 2010): "Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne, Part Three: The Bones of Bristol Bay"
Justice League of America Vol. 2 #41 (March 2010): "Team History"
Justice League of America Vol. 2 #42 (April 2010): "Team History"
Justice League of America Vol. 2 #43 (May 2010): "Rise and Fall: All Along the Watchtower"
Justice League: Cry for Justice #4 (December 2009): "The Fix"
Justice League: Cry for Justice #5 (January 2010): "The Lie"
Justice League: Cry for Justice #6 (March 2010): "The Game"
Justice League: Cry for Justice #7 (April 2010): "Justice"
Supergirl Annual Vol. 5 #1 (November 2009): "Secret Identities"
World's Finest Vol. 2 #2 (January 2010): "World's Finest, Book Two: The Guardian & Robin"
World's Finest Vol. 2 #4 (March 2010): "World's Finest, Book Four: Superman & Batman"