Created by Jack Oleck and Jack Sparling


Base of Operation: The Dreaming
Gender: Male
Eyes: Green
Hair: None
First Appearance: House of Mystery #175 (July-August 1968)
Creators: Jack Oleck and Jack Sparling


Gregory was found in a room in the House of Mystery by Cain the caretaker as a young gargoyle and has stayed at his side ever since.


When his girlfriend left him for another scuptor, the famous François, the abandoned sculptor was devastated and swore revenge. Some time later the great cathedral was looking for new sculpture designs and he saw the opportunity for his revenge. After trying to create great designs of his own but failing he broke into François studio, attacked and mortally wounded his competitor and stole his marvelous gargoyle design. With his dying words François cursed his attacker and swore that the gargoyles would kill him if he ever made them.

Nevertheless he went ahead and sculpted the gargoyles and for the first time in his life the sculpting went perfectly. The moment he had put his final touch on his work the gargoyles came to life and the sculptor fled in terror. He fled them from city to city and country to country. Eventually he took up residence in the House of Mystery. The gargoyles caught up with him and sat down as statues on the towers of the house.

The townspeople initially believed the gargoyles to be haunts, which was overheard by a young boy named Jimmy, but shortly they got used to them and didn't give them a second thought. Jimmy, however, started daydreaming about them and who they might be waiting for. He walked up to the House of Mystery and asked Cain if he knew. Cain sent him up to see his new tenant, but the sculptor screamed in terror when he learned that the gargoyles were there. Shortly afterwards Jimmy told the other kids in the city that the gargoyles were alive and that they were haunts and to convince them he brought them to the House of Mystery. From the roof of the house Jimmy whispered outside the sculptor's room that the gargoyles were gone and that he should look for himself. Believeing that he had finally gotten rid of the gargoyles he opened the windows and the gargoyles once again came to life and swooped down and snatched him and flew away.

The next morning Cain found a small carved gargoyle in the sculpor's room, that Cain speculated he had made to calm his fears or to try to break François curse. Cain took the gargoyle in and soon it would start to grow. Before long the gargoyle, which Cain named Gregory had grown to full size and it has stayed at Cain's side ever since.


For a definitive list of appearances of Gregory the Gargoyle in chronological order click here