 Unofficial Green Lantern Vol. 3 Index

Green Lantern Vol. 3 175


Cover Date: May 2004
Cover Price: $3.50
Publication Date: 2004-03-31


Cover Credits:
Art: Mark Sparacio (signed)

Story: "Wanted Part Five" (38 Pages)


StoryBen Raab
PencilsAndy Smith
InksRodney Ramos
LetteringRob Leigh
ColorsMoose Baumann
Color separationsMoose Baumann
Assistant editingStephen Wacker
EditingPeter J. Tomasi

Feature Character(s):

Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner)

Guest Star(s):

Reemuz (next in Infinite Crisis #7)
Shilandra Thane (next in Infinite Crisis #7)
Voz (next in Infinite Crisis #7)
Bynari (dies)

Supporting Character(s):

Ganthet (next in Green Lantern: Rebirth #2)
Lianna II (next in flashback in Omega Men Vol. 2 #2)
Guardians of the Universe
Terry Berg
Elaine Berg (called Tracey in this story)
Radu Stancu (in between issues #169 and #177)
André Choi
Rena Stone (last in issue #151)


Amon Sur (next in Green Lantern Vol. 4 #12)
Kerina (dies)
Qwardians (Dr. Qwan and two others)
Black Circle soldiers (some die)

Other Character(s):

Slave girls

Cameo Appearance(s):

Green Lantern Corps (Amon Sur's "trophies")


Space Sector 0
Sto-Oa (Oa's sun)
Oa (seen from orbit)
Amon Sur's starship (destroyed)
Space Sector 2814
New York, NY


Having conquered their universe, the Qwardians have set their sights on conquering ours. But first they must destroy the one obstacle standing in their way: OA! And with Kyle at the brink of death, literally stabbed in the back by one of his own, it looks like the universe may be doomed!


The battle against the Black Circle syndicate comes to a head as the Guardians defend Oa from the singularities aimed at it and the current and former Green Lanterns fight Amon Sur and his associates. Amon Sur has unexpected assistance from Bynari, who reveals that the syndicate has taken her world over, and Amon Sur holds her adoptive son's life to ransom for her loyalty. mon Sur accidentally kills Kerina, and Shilandra Thane kills Bynari, escaping to free many of the Black Circle's slaves while Kilowog, Voz and Reemuz continue the fight. The machine that creates the singularities is destroyed, and Kyle Rayner pursues Amon Sur, who is killed by Lianna, while the female guardian also stabs Kyle, leaving him to die as Amon Sur's ship explodes.

Back on Earth, Terry and David have their farewell party, to which Terry's mother Tracey unexpectedly turns up, willing to accept Terry's relationship with David. When David goes to tell Terry the news, he discovers that his boyfriend has had another surprise - a Green Lantern power ring has suddenly appeared on his finger...