Created by Chuck Dixon and Scott McDaniel

Francis Redhorn.png
Francis Redhorn; Art by Scott McDaniel and Karl Story


Full Name: Francis Alexander Redhorn
Occupation: Police Chief
Status: Deceased
Citizenship: American
Marital Status: Married
Known Relatives: Mary Redhorn (wife, widow)
Base of Operation: Blüdhaven
Gender: Male
First Appearance: Nightwing Vol. 2 #1 (October 1996)
Creators: Chuck Dixon and Scott McDaniel


The utterly corrupt police chief of Blüdhaven, who had been in league with Blockbuster for some years. Recently, he provided some evidence about the mobster's illegal activities to some vigilantes, subsequently fleeing the city when Nite-Wing failed to kill Blockbuster. However, the crimelord was unaware of these actions and Redhorn took charge of the police once more after a brief period in hiding. Soon after this he was stabbed to death by person or persons unknown, but thought to have been the new Tarantula.


For a definitive list of appearances of Francis Redhorn in chronological order click here