 Unofficial Flash: Rebirth Index

Flash: Rebirth 6 (Cover A)


Cover Date: April 2010
Cover Price: $2.99
Publication Date: 2010-02-24


Cover Credits:
Art: Ethan Van Sciver (signed), Ethan Van Sciver (Cover B; Signed)
Colors: Brian Miller, Brian Miller (Cover B)

Variant Cover:
Cover B

Story: "Fastest Man Alive" (22 Pages)


StoryGeoff Johns
ArtEthan Van Sciver
ColorsBrian Miller
LetteringRob Leigh
EditingChris Conroy, Joey Cavalieri

Feature Character(s):

Flash II (also in flashback; next in ???)

Guest Star(s):

Flash I (next in ???)
Flash III (next in ???)
Impulse II (next in ???)
Kid Flash II (next in ???)
Jesse Quick (next in ???)
Max Mercury (next in Flash Secret Files and Origins 2010 #1)
Metamorpho (last in issue #3; next in ???)
Teen Titans:
Superboy (last/next in ???)
Wonder Girl II (last in issue #1; next in Flash Vol. 3 #1)
Justice League of America:
Atom II (last/next in ???)
Black Canary II (last/next in ???)
Green Lantern (Hal Jordan; last in issue #4; next in ???)
Green Lantern (John Stewart; last/next in ???)
Red Tornado II (last/next in ???)
Superman (last in issue #4; next in ???)
Wonder Woman (last in issue #4; next in ???)
Zatanna (last/next in ???)
Justice Society of America:
Doctor Mid-Nite II (last in issue #3; next in ???)
Green Lantern (Alan Scott; last in issue #3; next in ???)
Mister Terrific II (last in issue #3; next in ???)
Wildcat II (last in issue #1; next in Flash Vol. 3 #1)

Supporting Character(s):

Iris West (last in issue #4; also in flashback following flashback in issue #5 and preceding flashback in issue #3; next in Flash Secret Files and Origins 2010 #1)
Jai West (next in ???)
Linda Park-West (next in ???)
Darryl Frye (last in issue #2; next in Flash Vol. 3 #1)


Reverse-Flash (next in ???)
Abra Kadabra (last in issue #3; last appearance)
Zoom (last in Final Crisis: Rogues' Revenge #3; last appearance)
Gorilla Grodd (last in issue #2; next in ???)
Captain Cold (last in issue #1; next in Blackest Night #1)
Heat Wave (last in issue #1; next in Blackest Night #1)
Mirror Master III (last in issue #1; next in Blackest Night #1)
Trickster II (last in issue #1; next in Blackest Night #1)
Weather Wizard (last in issue #1; next in the fifth story in DC Holiday Special 2009)

Other Character(s):

Apes of Gorilla City
Paul Gambi (last in Final Crisis: Rogues' Revenge #2; also in flashback following flashback in issue #5; last appearance)


Story continued from the previous issue.

Story Reprinted in:

The Flash: Rebirth ([June] 2010)
The Flash: Rebirth ([June] 2011)
The Flash by Geoff Johns #6 ([October] 2019)


In a battle along the outskirts of time, the secrets of the Speed Force stand revealed and the new archnemesis of those who ride the lightning targets Iris Allen! What change does Wally West face, and what destiny has Kid Flash chosen? Meet the new Flash Family in this stunning finale!