 Unofficial Final Crisis Collected Edition Index
Final Crisis (Hardcover)

Final Crisis

[Hardcover: $29.99 / ISBN: 978-1-4012-2281-9]
[Softcover: $19.99 / ISBN: 978-1-4012-2282-6]

Cover Credits:

J.G. Jones (both covers) (artist)
Cover Not Available.png

Title Index

Collection Credits:

Bob Joy (collected edition editor)


The year's most mind-blowing event is collected in this spectacular new hardcover featuring FINAL CRISIS #1-7! What happens when evil wins? That's the devastating question Superman, Batman, the Justice League and every other super being in the DC Universe must face when Darkseid and his otherworldly legion of followers actually win the war between light and dark. Written by superstar creator Grant Morrison (JLA, BATMAN) with stellar art from J.G. Jones (52 covers), Carlos Pacheco (SUPERMAN) and Doug Mahnke (BLACK ADAM), this event defined the DCU and the New Gods for the 21st century and beyond!


Story (reprint): "D.O.A.: The God of War!" (30 Pages)

Credits (new material only):

StoryGrant Morrison (rewrites)
ColorsAlex Sinclair (color fixes)

Reprint Comment(s):

Story reprinted from Final Crisis #1 with some altered dialogue and color fixes
Final Crisis 1.png


Second Story (reprint): "Ticket to Blüdhaven" (30 Pages)

Credits (new material only):

StoryGrant Morrison (rewrites)
ArtJ.G. Jones (art fixes)

Reprint Comment(s):

Story reprinted from Final Crisis #2 with some added dialogue and art fixes
Final Crisis 2.png


Third Story (reprint): "Know Evil" (30 Pages)

Credits (new material only):

StoryGrant Morrison (rewrites)

Reprint Comment(s):

Story reprinted from Final Crisis #3 with some altered and additional dialogue


Fourth Story (reprint): "Superman Beyond" (30 Pages)

Credits (new material only):

StoryGrant Morrison (rewrites)

Reprint Comment(s):

Story reprinted from Final Crisis: Superman Beyond #1 with some additional and changed dialogue. Printed in 2D for the first time.


Fifth Story (reprint): "To Be Continued" (32 Pages)

Reprint Comment(s):

Story reprinted from Final Crisis: Superman Beyond #2. Printed in 2D for the first time


Sixth Story (reprint): "Submit" (30 Pages)

Credits (new material only):

StoryGrant Morrison (rewrites)

Reprint Comment(s):

Story reprinted from Final Crisis: Submit #1 with some added dialogue


Seventh Story (reprint): "Darkseid Says" (30 Pages)

Credits (new material only):

StoryGrant Morrison (rewrites)
ColorsAlex Sinclair (color fixes)

Reprint Comment(s):

Story reprinted from Final Crisis #4 with some changed dialogue and color fixes


Eighth Story (reprint): "Into Oblivion" (30 Pages)

Credits (new material only):

StoryGrant Morrison (rewrites)
ColorsAlex Sinclair (color fixes)

Reprint Comment(s):

Story reprinted from Final Crisis #5 with some additional and changed dialogue and color fixes


Ninth Story (reprint): "How to Murder the Earth" (34 Pages)

Credits (new material only):

StoryGrant Morrison (rewrites)

Reprint Comment(s):

Story reprinted from Final Crisis #6 with some additional and changed dialogue and color fixes


Ninth Story (reprint): "New Heaven, New Earth" (37 Pages)

Credits (new material only):

StoryGrant Morrison (rewrites)

Reprint Comment(s):

Story reprinted from Final Crisis #7 with some additional and changed dialogue


Tenth Story (reprint): "Final Crisis Sketchbook" (7 Pages)

Reprint Comment(s):

Story reprinted from Final Crisis Sketchbook #1, pages 2-3, 5, 7, 10, and 21-22