Status: Defunct
Former Members:
Base of Operation: Metropolis
First Appearance: 52 #5 (August 2006): "Stars in Their Courses"
An ultimately ill-fated venture, the "Everyman Project" was Lex Luthor's claim to grant superhuman powers to ordinary people, at a price, and not simply a financial one. He created his own team of LexCorp owned super-heroes, Infinity, Inc. II to promote himself and the project. To prevent any members of the project from becoming a threat to him, Luthor built in a kill-switch for the powers, one he used on Trajectory (Eliza Harmon).
It was made clear that most of the subjects were ill-equipped for the dangers of super powers. A number of these Everyman Project subjects were cut down in Metropolis by the Mister Mind controlled Skeets. -52 #24
Using the Exo-Gene treatment, Luthor had hoped he too would gain powers but was frustrated to learn his DNA was supposedly incompatible. On New Years Day at the stroke of midnight Luthor horrifically shut down the project in a pique of anger, slaughtering scores of "Everymen" who were utilizing their powers at the time. -52 #35
The powers granted from the Everyman Project varied from subject to subject. Flight, superspeed, strength were some of the abilities catalogued.
For a definitive list of appearances of Everyman Project in chronological order click here