Created by Roy Thomas, Dann Thomas and Todd McFarlane |
Real Name: Beth Chapel
Aliases: Doctor Midnight
Identity: Secret
Occupation: Former medical student
Place of Birth: South Carolina
Citizenship: American
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Rev. and Mrs. Chapel (parents); Matthew, Mark, Luke and John (brothers)
Base of Operation: Los Angeles, CA
Group Affiliation(s): Infinity, Inc.
Gender: Female
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 118 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
First Appearance: (as Beth Chapel): Infinity, Inc. #19 (October 1985): "Last Crisis on Earth-Two"
(as Doctor Midnight): Infinity, Inc. #21 (December 1985): "Shadows At Midnight!"
Creators: Roy Thomas, Dann Thomas and Todd McFarlane
A student of Charles McNider, the golden age hero Doctor Mid-Nite, Beth Chapel was blinded in an accident, finding that like her mentor, she was able to see in the dark. When McNider and his colleagues disappeared, Beth became a heroine and joined Infinity, Inc., though she preferred to act as the team's surgeon rather than on the field. She was one of a number of heroes slain by Eclipso in the nation of Parador, but was returned to life during a precursor quake to the Lazarus eruption, and joined the Justice Society of America.
For a definitive list of appearances of Doctor Mid-Nite in chronological order click here
Who's Who: Update '87 #2 (September 1987)