Unofficial Detective Comics Index |
Cover Date: May 2000
Cover Price: $2.50
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Cover Credits:
Art: Dave Johnson (signed)
Story | Greg Rucka |
Pencils | Shawn Martinbrough |
Inks | Steve Mitchell |
Colors | Wildstorm FX |
Color separations | Wildstorm FX |
Lettering | Todd Klein |
Editing | Dennis O'Neil |
Feature Character(s):
Supporting Character(s):
- Ra's al Ghul (behind the scenes)
- Whisper A'Daire
- Kyle Abbot
- Ekin Tzu
- Lucky Hand Triad (Nine Pound and Wu named)
- Able Crown (first appearance)
- Burnley Town Massive
- Emanuel Escabedo (first appearance; dies)
- Escabedo Cartel
- Vasily Kosov (dies)
- Odessa Mob
Synopsis: - Batman survives the explosion at Crown's youth center, but this event (blamed on Escabedo) and the murder of Tzu's wife, Mei Ling (blamed on Kosov), have provoked a gang war, part of Whisper's plan. Whisper herself offers her services to Ekin Tzu, claiming to have been sent by the heavens in the person of the snake, from Tzu's T'ung Shu. Batman, meanwhile, has discovered clues that point to Ra's al Ghul's involvement in this scheme, despite it being nothing like the demon head's usual activities, and warns Gordon and Bock at the Police Department that they're dealing with an outside interest.
- Whisper and Abbot kidnap Vasily Kosov and Emanuel Escabedo of the Russian and Columbian gangs and Ekin Tzu offers a deal to Able Crown. Batman follows them to find that he himself has been followed by Whisper. Crown and Tzu, meanwhile are handed their enemies, and given the chance to exact revenge, in exchange for which they will heed Whisper's counsel in times to come.