 Unofficial Detective Comics Index

Detective Comics 666


Cover Date: September 1993
Cover Price: $1.25


Cover Credits:
Art: Kelley Jones (signed)
Colors: Bob LeRose

Story: [Knightfall 18]: "The Devil You Know" (22 Pages)


StoryChuck Dixon
PencilsGraham Nolan
InksScott Hanna
ColorsAdrienne Roy
LetteringJohn Costanza
EditingScott Peterson

Feature Character(s):

Batman II (last in Detective Comics Annual #6; next in Batman Vol. 1 #500)

Supporting Character(s):

James Gordon (last in Batman: Shadow of the Bat #18; next in Batman Vol. 1 #500)
Harvey Bullock (last in Detective Comics Annual #6; next in Batman Vol. 1 #500)
Stan Kitch (last in Detective Comics Annual #6; next in Batman Vol. 1 #500)
Tim Drake (in between Batman Vol. 1 #499 and #500)
Mrs. McIlvaine


Bane (in between Batman Vol. 1 #499 and #500)
Bird (in between Batman Vol. 1 #499 and #500)
Trogg (in between Batman Vol. 1 #499 and #500)
Zombie (in between Batman Vol. 1 #499 and #500)


Story continues in Batman Vol. 1 #500.


"Knightfall" part 16, continued from BATMAN #499. The mantle of the Bat has passed to another, and his first order of business is to find Bane and put him out of commission for good. It's the new Batman vs. Bane, with Gotham City at stake! Continued in BATMAN #500.


Jean-Paul Valley is determined to find Bane and bring him down, partly in order to prove himself as the new Batman. He finds out where Bane's underlings are being held and springs them from jail, tailing them to Bane himself. Bane is well aware that this is a different man in the costume, and is amused that this Batman, who is ferocious and perhaps capable of killing, could bring ruin to the hero's name. He soon has Jean-Paul at his mercy, and prepares to drop him from a great height.