Unofficial Detective Comics Index |
Story | Chuck Dixon |
Pencils | Tom Mandrake |
Inks | Scott Hanna |
Colors | Adrienne Roy |
Lettering | John Costanza |
Editing | Scott Peterson, Dennis O'Neil |
Feature Character(s):
- Batman (next in Justice League America #70)
Supporting Character(s):
- Harvey Bullock (last in issue #654)
- Renée Montoya (last in issue #654)
- Alfred Pennyworth
- The General (next in Robin Vol. 2 #19)
- his Wardogs (Shades named)
- Bird
- Bane
- Trogg
- Zombie
Other Character(s):
- Ruger
- Reardon (police officers)
- Talon
- the General's family
Synopsis: - The General and his troops lay siege to a precinct building in the Lyntown area of Gotham, but are defeated in close quarters by Batman and the trapped police officers. The police are very surprised to learn that a boy organized all the gangs in this way. Meanwhile, Bane and his men continue to observe Batman...