Created by Moose Baumann



Occupation: Inapplicable
Homeworld: Khondra
Space Sector: 3497
Marital Status: Inapplicable
Known Relatives: Inapplicable
Base of Operation: Unknown
Group Affiliation(s): Sinestro Corps
Height: Unknown
Weight: Unknown
Eyes: None
Hair: None
First Appearance: Green Lantern Vol. 4 #18/2 (May 2007): "Tales of the Sinestro Corps: Despotellis Spreads Fear"
Creators: Moose Baumann


A microscopic sentient bio-virus, Despotellis is likely the smallest as well as one of the deadliest members of the Sinestro Corps.

Like Earth viruses, it is assumed Despotellis can only replicate itself by infecting a host cell. Despotellis resembles a complex virus and at this time is assumed to be solely of biological nature, capable of infecting eukaryotes such as animals, plants and fungi as well as prokaryotes such as bacteria and archaea. It is not believed that Despotellis is a technological virus with the ability to infect computer systems. Since the homeworld of Despotellis has yet to be revealed, there is no known vaccine.

How Despotellis was chosen to join the Sinestro Corps has yet to be revealed. Likewise, the interaction between power ring and virus has yet to be established, it is not yet known whether each Despotellis viron wields its own power ring, a duplicate of a power ring, or can tap into the power from a central Despotellis viron. Though there is no gender to a virus, Despotellis is referred to as a male.

The earliest activities of Despotellis as a member of the Sinestro Corps were chronicled in the Book of Parallax. As read by Lyssa Drak of Talok IV, Despotellis first infected the homeworld of Green Lantern Reemuz. When the Green Lantern returned to his homeworld, he found thousands dead in the streets. The Green Lantern quickly surmised the cause of their deaths was related the yellow power battery he found. Reemuz took the power battery across the continents of his homeworld. He was searching for survivors as well as their attacker, but finding neither. He grew tired and ill, and just moments before his death realized his attacker had infected him. Despotellis revealed his presence as he took the power battery and headed out amongst the stars. Before returning to Qward, Despotellis infected 85% of the 714 inhabited worlds in space sector 119.

Despotellis next appeared on and in orbit of the planetform Green Lantern Mogo. This was a logical target for a strike against the Green Lantern Corps, since a microscopic organism would be difficult to notice on an entire planet. Since Mogo is teeming with biological life, many vectors are available for Despotellis to make its initial infection. As Green Lanterns visited Mogo, they too would be targets for infection.

As of this writing, it appears the Green Lantern of Uxor (the Green Man II) may have been infected by Despotellis and is under some type of mind control. As they are unaware of the existence of Despotellis, it appears no defenses have been set up. Green Lanterns Isamot Kol and Vath Sarn have been able to avoid infection, while Lantern Kilowog flew into a cloud of Despotellis virons on his way to Mogo.

From inferences made by Grayven, it is thought that Despotellis might have been the cause of death for Maura Rayner, mother of "the Torch Bearer," Green Lantern Kyle Rayner, now known as Ion, but any connection has yet to be proven.


As a member of the Sinestro Corps, Despotellis possesses a yellow power ring and power battery.


For a definitive list of appearances of Despotellis in chronological order click here


From Wizard #186 (January 2007) : The most horrific member of the Sinestro Corps may be the one you can't beat with an emerald fist to the face.

"[Despotellis] is a microscopic sentient virus," reveals Johns. "Green Lanterns will start coughing, not know what's going on, and die from disease before they realize this thing is inside them."

Ever the unselfish artist, Van Sciver gives credit where credit is due for Despotellis: "Green Lantern colorist Moose Baumann came up with the idea. We all laughed at him because I'm pretty sure this is his first creation, and he'll never see an action figure out of it!"