Unofficial Dark Nights: Death Metal Guidebook Index |
Cover Date: October 2020
Cover Price: $5.99
Publication Date: 2020-08-18
Cover Credits:
Art: Yasmine Putri (signed)
- Jared Blando (art)
- Jared Blando (colors)
- This is a map of the Metalverse.
Story | Scott Snyder, James Tynion IV, Joshua Williamson |
Pencils | Doug Mahnke |
Inks | Jaime Mendoza |
Colors | David Baron |
Lettering | Tom Napolitano |
Editing | Katie Kubert, Andrew Marino |
Feature Character(s):
- Lex Luthor (last in ???; next in Dark Nights: Death Metal #1)
- Lobo (last in ???; next in Dark Nights: Death Metal #1)
- Justice League
- Aquaman (in flashback in between flashback and main story in Dark Nights: Death Metal #1)
- Batman (in flashback in between flashback in Dark Nights: Death Metal #1 and the fourth story)
- Flash (in flashback in between flashback and main story in Dark Nights: Death Metal #1)
- Green Lantern (John Stewart; in flashback in between flashback and main story in Dark Nights: Death Metal #1)
- Hawkgirl (in flashback in between ??? and Dark Nights: Death Metal #3)
- Martian Manhunter (in flashback in between ??? and Dark Nights: Death Metal #3)
- Superman (in flashback in between flashback and main story in Dark Nights: Death Metal #1)
- Wonder Woman (in flashback in between flashback in Dark Nights: Death Metal #1 and the fourth story)
Guest Star(s):
- Justice League Dark
- Detective Chimp (in flashback in between ??? and Justice League Vol. 4 #53)
- Doctor Fate (in flashback in between ??? and ???)
- John Constantine (in flashback in between ??? and ???)
- Man-Bat (in flashback in between ??? and ???)
- Swamp Thing (in flashback in between ??? and ???)
- Zatanna (in flashback in between ??? and ???)
- Suicide Squad
- Captain Boomerang (in flashback in between flashback in ??? and the second story)
- Deadshot (in flashback in between ??? and ???)
- Harley Quinn (in flashback in between ??? and Dark Nights: Death Metal #1; in the second story in between pages of flashback)
- Killer Croc (in flashback in between flashback in ??? and ???)
- Titans
- Beast Boy (in flashback in between ??? and Dark Nights: Death Metal #3)
- Donna Troy (in flashback in between ??? and Dark Nights: Death Metal #3)
- Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner; in flashback in between ??? and Dark Nights: Death Metal #3)
- Miss Martian (in flashback in between ??? and Dark Nights: Death Metal #3)
- Raven (in flashback in between ??? and Dark Nights: Death Metal #3)
- Batgirl (in flashback in between ??? and Dark Nights: Death Metal #3)
- Captain Atom (dies in flashback)
- Kent Nelson (in flashback in between ??? and Dark Nights: Death Metal #2)
- Firestorm (in flashback in between ??? and Dark Nights: Death Metal #3)
- Green Arrow (in flashback in between ??? and Dark Nights: Death Metal #3)
- Green Lantern (Guy Gardner; in flashback in between ??? and Dark Nights: Death Metal #3)
- Green Lantern (Jessica Cruz; in flashback in between Justice League Odyssey #25 and Dark Nights: Death Metal #3)
- Green Lantern (John Stewart; in flashback in between ??? and Dark Nights: Death Metal #3)
- Kid Flash (in flashback in between ??? and Dark Nights: Death Metal Speed Metal #1)
- Mister Miracle (in flashback in between ??? and Dark Nights: Death Metal #1)
- Nightwing (in flashback in between ??? and Dark Nights: Death Metal #3)
- Starman (first New 52 appearance; in flashback)
- Supergirl (in flashback in between ??? and Dark Nights: Death Metal #3)
Supporting Character(s):
- Amazons of Paradise Island (in flashback)
- Dark Knights
- B. Rex (also in flashback in between Dark Nights: Death Metal Legends of the Dark Knights #1/3 and main story; next in Dark Nights: Death Metal #1)
- Batmage (also in flashback preceding main story; next in Dark Nights: Death Metal #1)
- Beyonder (also in flashback preceding main story; next in Dark Nights: Death Metal #1)
- Batman Who Laughs (in flashback in between ??? and Dark Nights: Death Metal #1)
- Batmobeast (in flashback in between Dark Nights: Death Metal Legends of the Dark Knights #1/5 and Dark Nights: Death Metal #1)
- Bathomet (in flashback preceding Dark Nights: Death Metal #1)
- Castle Bat (in flashback in between Dark Nights: Death Metal Legends of the Dark Knights #1/4 and Dark Nights: Death Metal #1)
- Darkfather (in flashback preceding Dark Nights: Death Metal #1)
- Doc Arkham (in flashback preceding Dark Nights: Death Metal #1)
- A Yellow Lantern Batman from the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; in flashback)
- A Batman/Man-Bat mashup from the Dark Multiverse (first appearance; in flashback)
- Perpetua (in flashback)
- Groblins (in flashback in between ??? and Dark Nights: Death Metal #1)
- Pararobins (in flashback preceding Dark Nights: Death Metal #3)
Guest Appearance(s):
- Joker (in flashback in between ??? and Dark Nights: Death Metal #1)
Cameo Appearance(s):
- Orrery of Worlds:
- Metalverse
- Universe-0
- Space Sector 2814:
- Earth
- United States of America
- Central City
- Gotham City
- Metropolis
- New York
- Washington, D.C.
- United States of America
- Earth
- Space Sector 2814:
- Earth is turned upside down, shrouded in a realm of darkness after the Justice League's defeat by the cosmic goddess Perpetua. Now the Batman Who Laughs and his army of Dark Knights rule the planet, wreaking havoc on humanity and raining destruction on the world. As Wonder Woman, Superman, Batman, and other heroes fight to survive in this strange new landscape, one cloaked figure has been observing from the sidelines, creating a guidebook to this new world and its evil leaders in the hope of forming a plan of justice... and penance.
- This issue showcases the new factions of Earth and explores the mystery of what happened to our heroes after their battle with Perpetua. How did Wonder Woman become the queen of Hell? How did Batman find the Black Lantern ring? And what happens when Harley Quinn takes charge of the Wasteland, and finds love in the process? All this and more in this jam-issue exploring the new world order.
- Scott Snyder (script)
- Greg Capullo (art)
Cameo Appearance(s):
- Harley Quinn (in a drawing)
- Doc Arkham (in a drawing)
- This is a page in Lex Luthor's book of "what is, but also what is forgotten" on the Arkham Wastelands of the Metalverse and it's Dark Knight ruler: Doc Arkham.
Story | Chip Zdarsky |
Art | Khary Randolph |
Colors | Emilio Lopez |
Lettering | Dave Sharpe |
Editing | Katie Kubert, Andrew Marino |
Feature Character(s):
- Harley Quinn (in between pages of flashback in the first story)
- Captain Boomerang (last in flashback in the first story; dies; next in Infinite Frontier Secret Files #1/5)
- Mutants
- Dark Multiverse
- Arkham Wastelands
- Scott Snyder (script)
- Greg Capullo (art)
Cameo Appearance(s):
- Superman (in a drawing)
- Bathomet (in a drawing)
- Pararobins (in a drawing)
- This is a page in Lex Luthor's book of "what is, but also what is forgotten" on the Hellscape of the Metalverse.
Story | Becky Cloonan |
Art | Becky Cloonan |
Colors | Tamra Bonvillain |
Lettering | Steve Wands |
Editing | Katie Kubert, Andrew Marino |
Feature Character(s):
Other Character(s):
- Umibozu (first appearance; a creature of Myth)
- Dark Multiverse
- The Seven Seas
- Scott Snyder (script)
- Greg Capullo (art)
Cameo Appearance(s):
- Wonder Woman (in a drawing)
- Batmage (in a drawing)
- This is a page in Lex Luthor's book of "what is, but also what is forgotten" on the Hellscape of the Metalverse and it's Dark Knight ruler: Batmage.
Story | Vita Ayala |
Art | Dan Panosian |
Colors | Luis Guerrero |
Lettering | Ferran Delgado |
Editing | Katie Kubert, Andrew Marino |
Feature Character(s):
- Wonder Woman (last in flashback in the first story; next in ???)
Guest Star(s):
- Poison Ivy (in between ???)
Guest Appearance(s):
- Swamp Thing (last in flashback in the first story; next in ???)
- Dark Multiverse
- Hell
- Scott Snyder (script)
- Greg Capullo (art)
Cameo Appearance(s):
- Batman (in a drawing)
- B. Rex (in a drawing)
- Robin King
- Joker Dragons (in a drawing)
- This is a page in Lex Luthor's book of "what is, but also what is forgotten" on Gotham of the Metalverse and it's Dark Knight ruler: The Batman Who Laughs.
Story | Christopher Priest |
Art | Eduardo Risso |
Colors | Eduardo Risso |
Lettering | Willie Schubert |
Editing | Katie Kubert, Andrew Marino |
Feature Character(s):
- Batman (last in flashback in the first story; next in Dark Nights: Death Metal #1)
Guest Star(s):
- Jonah Hex (last in ???; next in Dark Nights: Death Metal #1)
- A Joker dragon (first appearance; dies)
- Dark Multiverse
- Gotham City