Created by Gardner Fox? and Jack Burnley

The Original Universe


Name: Cosmic Rod
DCU Creator(s): Ted Knight
First Appearance: Adventure Comics #61 (April 1941)
Creators: Gardner Fox? and Jack Burnley


Seeking to harness the energies of the Big Bang (and also, unknown to him at the time, the Godwave); Theodore Knight developed a machine capable of breaking down the atomic bonds of matter. After failing to interest the US government prior to World War II in using it as a weapon, he began developing another method of controlling these energies. After the suggestion of his cousin, Sandra Knight, he contacted another physicist and developed the Gravity Rod.

After his retirement as Starman, he moved forward in his studies and refined it further, first creating the cumbersome (to him) Cosmic Staff, then later the Cosmic Rod.


For a definitive list of appearances of Cosmic Rod in chronological order click here