Unofficial Convergence: Green Lantern Corps Index |
Cover Date: July 2015
Cover Price: $3.99
Publication Date: 2015-05-20
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Cover Credits:
Art: Tony Harris (Cover A)
Pencils: Dave Gibbons (Cover B)
Inks: Mark Farmer (Cover B)
Story | David Gallaher |
Pencils | Steve Ellis |
Inks | Ande Parks |
Colors | Hi-Fi |
Lettering | Dave Sharpe |
Assistant editing | Brittany Holzherr, Michael Kraiger |
Editing | Marie Javins |
Feature Character(s):
Guest Star(s):
- Hercules (from Earth After Disaster)
- Jennifer Monroe (from Earth After Disaster)
- Basil (from Earth After Disaster)
- Telos (behind the scenes)
- The Anti-God
Cameo Appearance(s):
- Sinestro (in flashback)
- General Zod (Pre-Crisis version; in flashback)
- Durvale (from Earth After Disaster)
- The Wastelands
- Phantom Zone (in flashback)
- Antimatter Universe of Qward (in flashback)
Story Reprinted in:
- Convergence: Crisis Book One
- STARRING HEROES FROM CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS! The Green Lantern Corps is revived when Hal Jordan, John Stewart and Guy Gardner power up and race to take on Hercules Unbound and Anti God from the Great Disaster!
Story | Becky Cloonan, Brenden Fletcher |
Art | Mingjue Helen Chen |
Lettering | Steve Wands |
Feature Character(s):
- Maps Mizoguchi (last in Gotham Academy: Endgame #1; next in Gotham Academy #7)
- Olive Silverlock (last in Gotham Academy: Endgame #1; next in Gotham Academy #8)
- Maps recites her newest homework assignment for Olive: A poem about the supernatural adventures (both imagined and real) of Gotham Academy! Read this ALL-NEW FREE 8-page preview of GOTHAM ACADEMY #7!