

Aliases: Serpent Skirt
Identity: The general public believes Coatlicue to be a figment of myth
Occupation: Aztec goddess of earth, creation, destruction and motherhood
Status: Active
Place of Birth: Unknown
Marital Status: Unknown
Known Relatives: Huitzilopocthli (son)
Base of Operation: Below the Earth's surface
Group Affiliation(s): Aztec Gods
Gender: Female
Height: Unknown
Weight: Unknown
Eyes: Black
Hair: None
Distinguishing Features: Humanoid with two snake heads and a “skirt” composed of living snakes
First Appearance: Secrets of Haunted House #4/2 (October-November 1975)

"There issss no water in my veinsss. There isss only poison, now. It fallssss from the sssky. It ssseepss through the ssscales of my heart... From theirsss factories. Their power plants. From the fields where they grow theirsss food." - Coatlicue


Coatlicue is the Aztec earth goddess. Man's pollution of the Earth finally drove her into madness and made her join a scheme to end the world, a scheme which ultimately failed.


Coatlicue (“serpent skirt”) is the Aztec goddess of earth. She is seen as both creator and destroyer, just as the earth itself creates life and then buries the remains of its creations. As giver of life, she is also seen as a goddess of motherhood. Coatlicue herself is the mother of at least one son, Huitzilopocthli , but is possibly also parent to his brothers Tezcatlipoca and Quetzalcoatl.

The years have not been kind to Coatlicue, with her worshippers becoming fewer and fewer and man’s pollution slowly poisoning the Earth which she embodies. In recent times, she has had one or two noteworthy run-ins with humanity. First when worshippers called upon her and other gods to create a new face for the wanted criminal Carl Talbot, but the gods double-crossed him by giving him the face of yet another wanted criminal. [Secrets of Haunted House #4/2 (October-November 1975)]

A few years later, she aided Pain, a renegade servant of Desire of the Endless, in his scheme to end time and all of creation. [Mythos: The Final Tour #1-3 December-February (1996-97)]


As an earth goddess, Coatlicue has the power to create earthquakes. Her connection to the Earth is however proving to be her undoing – similarly to the earth spirit Gaea/Maya, the slow poisoning of the Earth is having an adverse physical effect on Coatlicue.

Coatlicue is as much a reptile as she is human. Her body is humanoid in shape, but Coatlicue has two snake heads and a “skirt” composed of living snakes, hence her name “snake skirt”.


For a definitive list of appearances of Coatlicue in chronological order click here