Unofficial Bulletman Index |

Cover Date: November 1942
Cover Price: $.10
Publication Date: 1942
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Cover Credits:
Art: Gene McDonald
Story | Otto Binder |
Editing | Ron Reed |
Feature Character(s):
Supporting Character(s):
- The Crime Broker and his gang (first appearance for all; an operator of the Crime Exchange; a club catering to criminals; connects criminals with jobs, such as assassination)
- Mr. Barney (first appearance; a crook with a top hat, tuxedo and cane)
- Other criminals (first appearance for all?; see Comments)
- On a petition presented to the Crime Broker to eliminate the Bullets, names shown of criminals thought dead including Black Rat, Weeper, Murder Prophet, The Mocker, Doctor Riddle, The Engraver, Mister Ego, Mr. Murder and Unholy Three.
Story | Otto Binder |
Art | Ken Bald |
Editing | Ron Reed |
Feature Character(s):
Supporting Character(s):
- Madame Crystal and Monsieur Lestars and their gang (first appearance for all; phony fortune tellers; rob wealthy homes during seances)
Editing | Ron Reed |
Feature Character(s):
Supporting Character(s):
- Bulletgirl
- Sergeant Kent
- Susan's dog (first appearance; trained to respond to a dog whistle)
- Unnamed criminal (first appearance; equips trained dogs with radio collars and uses them to steal)
- Susan's dog is shown to be brown in this story, but later shown to be black and white or tri-colored.
Editing | Ron Reed |
Feature Character(s):
Supporting Character(s):
- Rabbit Sloane and his gang (first appearance for all)
Other Character(s):
- Birdman (Prof. Isidore Ignatius; first appearance; an English Professor specializing in poetry; builds a set of glider wings that enable him to fly; interfere with the Bullets and point suspicion at them)