Created by France Herron and Fred Ray


Real Name: Jud Fuller
Full Name: Jebadiah Fuller
Identity: Public
Occupation: Freedom fighter
Status: Active during the US Revolutionary War
Place of Birth: Virginia
Citizenship: American
Marital Status: Single through the Revolutionary War
Base of Operation: Mobile
Group Affiliation(s): Tomahawk's Rangers
Gender: Male
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
First Appearance: Tomahawk #86 (May-June 1963)
Creators: France Herron and Fred Ray


A freedom fighter during the Revolutionary War, and one of Tomahawk's Rangers.


Always mindful of his dress and manners as a proper Virginian gentleman should be, young Jud Fuller joined up with others in fighting the British in the earliest days of the Revolutionary War, when during a rough battle, his clothes were destroyed. Catching his eye in the storefront of an abandoned tailor's shop was a deep blue waistcoat with bright shiny brass buttons. Taking the coat to cover his shabby shirt, Jud unconsciously shone the buttons, and when meeting a group of British soldiers who were blinded by the brilliant buttons, the small ragtag group finished them off quickly.

Volunteering to join the new Detached Service Unit called The Rangers, young Jud used his ingenuity and his "Brass Buttons" in aiding the unit. He was often teamed with Big Anvil, who often sporting him on about his diminutive size, yet Jud always pulled his weight when push came to shove in the heat of battle.

Brass Button's coat over the years became more of a vest, as the rages of battle wore it away and he became less concerned with outward appearances, often going shirtless in warmer weather.

Fuller stated on one occasion that he was the youngest Ranger, but he would probably be the second youngest after Stovepipe.

Brass Buttons survived the Revolutionary War, but his subsequent adventures have yet to be recorded.


Despite his small stature, Jud Fuller was a skilled soldier, relying on his wits more than his physical capabilities. He could handle himself in battle, but his strengths lay elsewhere.


For a definitive list of appearances of Brass Buttons in chronological order click here