Created by Denny O'Neil and Mike Grell


Space Sector: Unidentified
Base of Operation: Mobile
Group Affiliation(s): None
Gender: Male
Eyes: Black
Hair: None
First Appearance: Green Lantern Vol. 2 #110 (November 1978): "Brand of Power"
Creators: Denny O'Neil and Mike Grell


A self described "reality-hopper," the alien known as Borch spent his life jumping from existence to existence forever seeking something beyond human understanding. Crossing the cosmic phenomena known as the Silver Twist released an energy discharge which knocked a nuclear powered satellite out of Earth's orbit towards the planet below.

Fortunately for the city of Columbus, Ohio, Green Lantern Hal Jordan was able to set the satellite back in its orbit. The ring wielder was accompanied by Green Arrow, and both heroes followed Borch into the twist to find the reason the discharge was released, and to prevent it from happening again.

Inside the twist, Borch had already spent a month in Coyote Gulch, a reality based on the American Old West. Borch had become the leader of the Clancy Bunch, a band of outlaws trying to take over Coyote Gulch. When Green Lantern and Green Arrow arrived, Borch was quick to oppose the pair.

The strange effects of the Silver Twist had altered the heroes' weaponry. Green Lantern's power ring could only fire a straight beam of force, rather than create energy constructs as it had outside the Twist. Green Arrow's trademark trick arrows were altered to regular, pointed arrows.

Borch and the Clancy Bunch gunned down the sheriff of Coyote Gulch. A blast from Borch's ray weapon hit Green Lantern full in the chest, etching his lantern insignia on his flesh. Green Arrow took his friend to cover and learned the lantern insignia was the symbol for a sheriff's badge in Coyote Gulch.

One of the outlaws, Rance Clancy, challenged either Green Arrow or Green Lantern to a showdown with Borch. The surviving losers would have to ride out of town. Green Lantern took the offer, knowing the Clancy Bunch would try to ambush him.

Green Arrow was able to foil the Clancy Bunch's ambush, leaving Green Lantern to face Borch alone. While Borch was quicker on the draw, in the end it did not matter. Driven by his will power, the ring's emerald energy was faster still. The four ray weapons held by Borch were blasted out of the alien's hands.

Green Lantern and Green Arrow left the people of Coyote Gulch to decide Borch's fate as they leaped through a rift between the two universes. Back in their home universe, they watched as the Silver Twist closed behind them and then vanished. Borch has not been seen since.[1]


For a definitive list of appearances of Borch in chronological order click here