 Unofficial Batman and Robin Eternal Title Index


2015 - 2016


Series type: Limited Series
Began publication: December 2015
Ended publication: May 2016
Number of issues: 26

Limited Series

Batman and Robin Eternal #1 (December 2015): "Batman and Robin Eternal"
Batman and Robin Eternal #2 (December 2015): "Ducks In A Row"
Batman and Robin Eternal #3 (December 2015): "Seeing Red"
Batman and Robin Eternal #4 (December 2015): "Death in the Pot"
Batman and Robin Eternal #5 (January 2016): "Arms of the Thunderer"
Batman and Robin Eternal #6 (January 2016): "Never Enough"
Batman and Robin Eternal #7 (January 2016): "A Night Out"
Batman and Robin Eternal #8 (January 2016): "The Curtain Falls"
Batman and Robin Eternal #9 (February 2016): "The Last to Die"
Batman and Robin Eternal #10 (February 2016): "He Whom God Helps"
Batman and Robin Eternal #11 (February 2016): "Mind Fields"
Batman and Robin Eternal #12 (February 2016): "Head Trip"
Batman and Robin Eternal #13 (February 2016): "Home is Where the Heart Is"
Batman and Robin Eternal #14 (March 2016): "Scare Tactics"
Batman and Robin Eternal #15 (March 2016): "The Deception of St. Dumas"
Batman and Robin Eternal #16 (March 2016): "The Dying Joke"
Batman and Robin Eternal #17 (March 2016): "Let's All Go to the Lobby"
Batman and Robin Eternal #18 (April 2016): "Past Projections"
Batman and Robin Eternal #19 (April 2016): "Spyraling Down"
Batman and Robin Eternal #20 (April 2016): "Death Spyral"
Batman and Robin Eternal #21 (April 2016): "A Mother's Story"
Batman and Robin Eternal #22 (May 2016): "Raise Your Glass"
Batman and Robin Eternal #23 (May 2016): "Zero Hour"
Batman and Robin Eternal #24 (May 2016): "All Out"
Batman and Robin Eternal #25 (May 2016): "Orphans"
Batman and Robin Eternal #26 (May 2016): "New World"

Collected Editions

Batman and Robin Eternal Vol. 1
Batman and Robin Eternal Vol. 2