 Unofficial Batman Index

Batman 633


Cover Date: December 2004
Cover Price: $2.95


Cover Credits:
Art: Matt Wagner (signed)

Story: "War Games: Act 3 Part 8. No Going Back" (30 Pages)


StoryBill Willingham
InksAaron Sowd, Rodney Ramos, Adam DeKraker
ColorsTony Aviña
LetteringKen Lopez
Associate editingMichael Wright
EditingBob Schreck

Feature Character(s):

Batman (last in Catwoman Vol. 3 #36; next in flashback in issue #634)

Guest Star(s):

Batgirl III (last in Batgirl #57; next in ???)
Catwoman (in between Catwoman Vol. 3 #36 and #37)
Nightwing II (last in flashback in issue #634; next in Nightwing Vol. 2 #99)
Onyx I (last in Batgirl #57; next in Detective Comics #800)
Robin III (last in Teen Titans Vol. 3 #15; next in flashback in issue #634)
Spoiler (last in Batman: Gotham Knights #58; dies; next in ???)
Tarantula III (last in Catwoman Vol. 3 #36; next in Nightwing Vol. 2 #99)

Supporting Character(s):

Oracle (last in Catwoman Vol. 3 #36; next in Birds of Prey #75)
Michael Akins (last in Catwoman Vol. 3 #36; behind the scenes in telephone conversation; next in Gotham Central #25)
Arturo Rodriguez (last in Catwoman Vol. 3 #36; next in Detective Comics #809)
Alfred Pennyworth (last in flashback in issue #634; next in Nightwing Vol. 2 #99)
Leslie Thompkins (last in Batman: Gotham Knights #58; next in flashback in issue #634)


Black Mask (last in Catwoman Vol. 3 #36; next in Detective Comics #800)
Scarecrow (last in Catwoman Vol. 3 #36; next in ???)
Alexandra Kosov (in between Detective Comics #798 and Detective Comics #800)

Other Character(s):

Charlie (last in Catwoman Vol. 3 #36; dies)


Gotham City


Act Three of War Games continued from Catwoman Vol. 3 #36.


Black Mask has invaded Oracle's clocktower sanctuary, believing it to be the Batcave. While he threatens her and murders Arturo Rodriguez' cameraman, Batman gathers his allies, going in to face Black Mask alone, while they deal with any further trouble, which takes the form of Scarecrow in his enhanced bestial form, outside. However, his struggle with Black Mask becomes ever more brutal and Oracle fears that they will kill each other, so sets off some explosives which will destroy the entire building, killing her as well s the two combatants unless Batman saves her, which he eventually does.
The heroes disperse from the scene, no longer welcomed by either the police or the media, and as they do, Batman receives word from Leslie Thompkins that Spoiler is dying. He gets to her bedside for her final moments, and is able to reassure her that she really was part of the team for a brief time, and that her heroism will be remembered. It is a new dawn for Gotham, which will survive as it ever does, but the cost of war has been high for Batman and his allies, and the city now has a new over-arching crime boss in Black Mask, to whom all the other bosses must pay homage.