Unofficial Batman Index |

Cover Date: March 1964
Cover Price: $0.12
Publication Date: 1964-01-23
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Cover Credits:
Art: Sheldon Moldoff
Story | Dave Wood |
Pencils | Sheldon Moldoff |
Inks | Charles Paris |
Lettering | Joe Letterese |
Editing | Jack Schiff |
Feature Character(s):
- Batman (temporarily turned into a beast-creature, acts like King Kong; last in World's Finest Comics #139; next in the second story in this issue)
Supporting Character(s):
- Robin (last in World's Finest Comics #139; next in the second story in this issue)
- Ace (last in issue #158; next in World's Finest Comics #143)
- Batwoman (last in World's Finest Comics #139, next in Detective Comics #325)
- Eric Barroc (first appearance; creates "beast-humans," animals transformed into human form)
- Roscoe (first appearance; Barroc's henchman)
- Beast-Humans (first appearance for all)
- Alligator
- Bongo
- Leo
- Polar Bear
- Speedy the Jaguar
- Tiger
- Toro the Bull
- Wild Boar
Other Character(s):
- citizens of Gotham City
- Gotham City
- Gotham State Building
- Taldorf Towers
Story Reprinted in:
- Batman: The Black Casebook ([August] 2009)
Story | Dave Wood |
Pencils | Sheldon Moldoff |
Inks | Charles Paris |
Lettering | Joe Letterese |
Editing | Jack Schiff |
Feature Character(s):
- Batman (last in the first story in this issue; next in Justice League of America #26)
Supporting Character(s):
- Robin (temporarily takes on the identity of "Danny" to experience life without risking his Robin identity; last in the first story in this issue; next in Detective Comics #325)
- Alfred Pennyworth (last in World's Finest Comics #139; next in issue #163)
- two robbers attempting a escape in a balloon (first appearance for both)
- two jewelry store robbers (first appearance for both)
Other Character(s):
- high school basketball players (first appearance for all
- a group of teenagers (first appearance for all; Phil named)