 Unofficial Batman: The Chalice Index

Batman: The Chalice


Cover Date: December 1999
Cover Price: $25.95


Cover Credits:
Art: John Van Fleet
Colors: John Van Fleet

Story: "Batman: The Chalice" (96 Pages)


StoryChuck Dixon
ArtJohn Van Fleet
ColorsJohn Van Fleet
LetteringJack Morelli
EditingJonathan Peterson

Feature Character(s):

Batman (last/next in ???)

Supporting Character(s):

Alfred Pennyworth (last/next in ???)
James Gordon (last/next in ???)
Harvey Bullock (last/next in ???)
Renée Montoya (last/next in ???)


Ra's al Ghul (last in Batman: Birth of the Demon; next behind the scenes in Batman Vol. 1 #533)
Talia al Ghul (last in Azrael #5; next behind the scenes in Batman Vol. 1 #533)
Ubu (first appearance of this version; next in ???)
Shuram (Ra's al Ghul's librarian)
League of Assassins (last/next in ???)
Merivingians (also known as the Brotherhood)
Mr. Chaval
Mooch Manklin and his gang
Penguin (in between Robin Vol. 2 #27 and #29)
Catwoman (last in Robin Vol. 2 #28; next in Catwoman Vol. 2 #33)
Two-Face (last/next in ???)

Guest Appearance(s):

Clark Kent (last/next in ???)
Azrael V (in between Azrael #16 and #17)
Oracle (last/next in ???)

Other Character(s):

Lord Winsleygate / Peter DeWettering (first appearance; dies)
Hendricks (last in Robin Vol. 2 #27; next in Detective Comics #698)

Cameo Appearance(s):

geVain (in flashback; an ancestor of Bruce Wayne)


Gotham City
Wayne Manor
Krakow, Poland (in flashback)
Badajoz, Spain (in flashback)
Cathay, China (in flashback)


In this book about faith and duty, Batman learns that not only does his nobility extend deep within his ancestry but also that some things beyond the laws of science. When a mysterious package arrives at Wayne Manor, the Dark Knight Detective discovers that he is a descendant of a Grail Knight from King Arthur's court. Now possessing the Holy Grail itself, Batman must come to terms with the ramifications of its existence while safeguarding the artifact from the denizens of attackers.