Unofficial Batman: Gordon's Law Index |
Cover Date: December 1996
Cover Price: $1.95
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Cover Credits:
Art: Klaus Janson (signed)
Story | Chuck Dixon |
Art | Klaus Janson |
Colors | Kevin Somers |
Lettering | John Costanza |
Associate editing | Darren Vincenzo |
Editing | Scott Peterson |
Feature Character(s):
- James Gordon (last in Batman Vol. 1 #538)
Guest Star(s):
- Batman (last in Power of Shazam! #22)
Supporting Character(s):
- Barbara Gordon (last/next in ???)
- G.C.P.D.:
- Harvey Bullock (last in ???)
- Renée Montoya (last in ???)
- Billy Pettit (last in ???; next in Detective Comics #705)
- Sarah Essen (last in ???)
- "Checkers" Hoagland (first appearance)
- Eddie DelReno (first appearance; deceased)
- William "Billy Ballpeen" Dyer (first appearance; deceased)
Other Character(s):
- Captain Hugh H. Danzizen (first appearance; chief of detectives, robbery; next in issue #3)
- Dan (first appearance; a police negotiator)
- Pat Dougherty (first appearance; next in issue #4)
- Officer Pamela Bell (first appearance; a police officer assigned to robbery)
- D.A. Miles (first appearance)
- Officer Ted (first appearance)
- Smitty (first appearance)
- Two months pass in between pages 10 and 11.