ATOM (Albert "Al" Pratt) | BIOGRAPHY |
Created by Bill O'Connor and Ben Flinton |
Real Name: Albert "Al" Pratt
Occupation: Student, later Physics professor, later gym instructor/co-owner
Status: Deceased
Citizenship: American
Marital Status: Widowed
Known Relatives: unnamed uncle (deceased), Stacy (cousin), Mary James (wife, deceased), Marion (wife, deceased), Grant Emerson (son, deceased), Terri Kurtzberger Rothstein (ward), Albert Julian Rothstein (godson)
Base of Operation: Calvin City, CT, later Gotham City
Group Affiliation(s): Justice Society of America, All-Star Squadron
Gender: Male
Height: 5'3"
Weight: Originally 98 lbs., later 150 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Orange/Red
First Appearance: All-American Comics #19/2 (October 1940): "Introducing the Mighty Atom"
Creators: Bill O'Connor and Ben Flinton
The original Atom was a long-serving member of the Justice Society, and was known as a bit of a hot-head, due in part to the constant ribbing he used to receive about his short height. He had no powers, but was a prize-winning boxer and an indefatigable fighter. Long after the Society disbanded, the Atom and his wife raised young Albert Rothstein, who would become Nuklon and later Atom Smasher and he would also father a child, Damage. In the years after the Society returned from fighting against the coming of Ragnarok, Al shared an apartment with his good friend Ted Grant, the golden age Wildcat. The Atom died in battle against Extant a few years ago, his death being avenged only recently by his godson.
The first thing you noticed about Calvin College freshman Al Pratt was his height. While most of his contemporaries were nearing on six feet, young Al barely scraped past five. Entering college in the fall of 1939, Al was a bright student, but his height was the center of taunting by his classmates, even bringing his self-esteem down. After scoring a date with the very pretty Mary James, all was going well until the two were mugged on the way home from their date. Mary was disgusted that Al couldn't protect them and blamed his height and puny build for their misfortune.
Later that night, Al met and befriended a panhandler, whom he discovered was former heavyweight boxing sensation Joe Morgan. Down on his luck (and suffering from psychotic episodes), Joe told Al he could train him to peak physical perfection. Al took him up on the offer and after a year of intense physical work, Al was now a pint-sized brawler, also trained in many forms of athletics as part of Joe's holistic training.
After returning to school, Al became involved in rescuing Mary from a kidnap plot and rescuing her family jewels. Taking a cue from the other mystery-men of the time, Al began to adventure as The Atom. Only a few short weeks after he began, he was "recruited" by Doctor Fate and along with other mystery-men formed the Justice Society of America. Even though he was lacking in super-abilities like all the other founders, he made up for it in his bulldog-like spirit and tenacity.
Staying with the group, The Atom later was a founding member of the All-Star Squadron, while serving briefly in the US Army. While stopping the Ultra-Humanite and his minions from taking over the US in early 1942, The Atom was exposed to the radioactive element Thorium, which as it accumulated with other radioactive elements caused him to develop super-human strength and an "atomic punch" in 1948. He changed his costume to a more streamline and heroic tone.
After retiring with the other Justice Society members in 1951, Al Pratt finally graduated with his doctorate in Physics from Calvin College and went on to teach there for many years. When he and his wife, the former Mary James, found out that they were going to have a child at the late time in their lives, they were worried, but happy. Hours after the child was born, however, agents for Vandal Savage abducted the child and murdered Mary. Al never knew the truth and the child was raised by another couple.
About eleven years ago, with other members of the Justice Society starting to adventure again on a semi-regular basis, Al Pratt struck up a friendship with Ray Palmer, a younger super-hero also called The Atom. On what was believed to be the last adventure of the Justice Society, The Atom, along with the rest of the group was cast into Limbo, to forever repeat a retelling of the end of the Norse Gods. During this time, his second wife, Marion, passed away. Freed, however, and with no life left as Al Pratt, he joined his friend Ted Grant in opening and operating a gym in Gotham City.
Four years ago, during the crisis known as Zero Hour, Al heroically lost his life, his essence spread throughout the time-stream.
Recently, Pratt was briefly resurrected as a Black Lantern.
Originally, The Atom was just your average Olympic-plus level athlete, trained in several disciplines to be possibly one of the best athletes of his generation. However, as is often the case with super-hero groups, he developed super-powers such as an "atomic punch" and increased to near-super-human levels of strength. These abilities were due to exposure to large amounts of radiation from the element Thorium.
After coming out of retirement, he briefly drove an "Atomobile", a souped-up sports coupe.
For a definitive list of appearances of Atom in chronological order click here
Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #1 (March 1985)