Created by Grant Morrison


Real Name: Ilse Krauss
Status: Deceased
Citizenship: German
Group Affiliation(s): Brotherhood of Dada
Gender: Female
First Appearance: Doom Patrol Vol. 2 #49 (November 1991): "Death in Venice"
Creators: Grant Morrison


An entity that was born when a German actress fell in love with her own reflection and started a romance with it. As time passed, the image looked older and uglier, and the actress concluded that her lover had left and been replaced with a bad copy. In rage, she threw acid at the mirror, disposed of it in a city dump, then shot herself. However, her body functions survived and she continued her existence as a braindead hospital patient. Meanwhile, the spirit of the dead mirror was brought to life and gained an identity...Alias the Blur, a creature who could age any living being with its touch.

The mastermind Mister Nobody drafted Alias into the Brotherhood of Dada, whose goal was to create a less predictable and more chaotic world. The Brotherhood even beat the Doom Patrol before being defeated by American agents from the Pentagon Sub-Divisions. The agent Yankee Doodle shattered Alias into a thousand pieces, ending its tortured existence. In the same moment, the actress died at her hospital in Germany.


For a definitive list of appearances of Alias the Blur in chronological order click here