Created by Alan Moore, Stan Woch and Ron Randall


Status: Deceased
Citizenship: German
Group Affiliation(s): Parliament of Trees
Gender: Male
First Appearance: Swamp Thing Vol. 2 #47 (April 1986): "The Parliament of Trees"
Creators: Alan Moore, Stan Woch and Ron Randall


In 1942, a German World War II pilot named Albert Höllerer was shot down and went down in flames in a swamp. Höllerer died in the accident, but around the remains of his mind, a new creature was born: an Earth Elemental. For years, the Elemental walked the Earth, keeping only a small airplane toy with him as the only memory of his former life. In 1954, the creature finally found peace among the Parliament of Trees – a grouping of former Earth Elementals who had rooted themselves by the river Tefé in the Amazon. The Parliament including Höllerer later acted as advisors to the later Earth Elementals, including the current one called Swamp Thing (IV).

More recently the entire Parliament of Trees was destroyed by the heavenly avenger called the Word (I), and with them, the last trace of the mind of pilot Albert Höllerer.

[Note: This elemental is unofficially based on Hillman's original swamp character, 'the Heap'.]


For a definitive list of appearances of Albert Hollerer in chronological order click here