 'MAZING MAN (Siegfried Horatio Hunch III)BIOGRAPHY
Created by Bob Rozakis and Stephen DeStefano

'Mazing Man (Siegfried Horatio Hunch III).png
'Mazing Man; Art by Stephen DeStefano


Real Name: Siegfried Horatio Hunch III
Occupation: Professional Hero
Status: Single
Citizenship: American
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Siegfried Horatio Hunch II (father)
Base of Operation: South Richmund Park, Queens, NY
Group Affiliation(s): Justice League of Anarchy (disbanded)
Gender: Male
Height: 4'11"
Weight: 98 lbs.
Eyes: Unknown
Hair: Unknown
First Appearance: 'Mazing Man #1 (January 1986)
Creators: Bob Rozakis and Stephen DeStefano


Siegfried Horatio Hunch III met his best friend Denton Fixx in the psychiatric Ward at Bellvue Hospital, though it has not been established why they were there. Hunch, in a reversal of the classical situation, followed the dog-faced Denton home and Denton kept him. Seigfried took the third bedroom in an apartment shared by Denton and his divorced sister Katherine Patricia [K.P.] Watson.

Not long after, Hunch was looking for soda cans in a garbage can, when he found a gold helmet with the letter 'M' on it. After finding this, he became a friendly 'Superhero' named 'Mazing Man. Although he has no special powers, he has a kind heart and a full wallet. He once won the Publishers reading house sweepstakes including a grand prize of $1,000,000.00 and then felt obligated to subscribe to every magazine they offered.

Although shunned at first, he has been accepted, and has done many things to help the community. Among these are saving a child from the path of a speeding truck, helping the town-drunk buddy, and cleaning the leaves from a sewer drain. 'Maze' loves Simon and Garfunkel, and sings their greatest hits after getting pummeled. Hunch has made good friends with his downstairs neighbor, Guido Antonio Garibaldi, and Denton's high school friends Eddie and Brenda Valentine. Later in his life he joined Plastic Man's Justice League of Anarchy.


'Mazing Man sometimes used a utility belt containing safety pins, a bottle opener, trash bags, Band-Aids, a roll of electrical tape, tissues, a squirt gun, and a large hook (which constantly caught on to things).


For a definitive list of appearances of 'Mazing Man in chronological order click here


Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #15 (May 1986)