Created by Karl Kesel and Tom Grummett

Scavenger II.png
Scavenger II


Marital Status: Single
Base of Operation: Mobile
Gender: Male
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 160 lbs.
Eyes: White (other eye is artificial red lens)
Hair: White
First Appearance: Superboy Vol. 3 #2 (March 1994): "Knockout!"
Creators: Karl Kesel and Tom Grummett


Little is known about the Scavenger. All that's been revealed so far is he's a nutty old guy who's convinced that his enemy is coming for him and he has to find any resource necessary to survive. Superboy has coined him the greatest packrat of all time.

Scavenger first appeared during Superboy's first battle with Knockout. She hadn't quite knocked Superboy out when the Scavenger arrived so he finished the job just so he could have the Spear of Lono that Superboy was protecting. Superboy found him later on and they duked it out at the Kilauera Caldera. Scavenger had a wide variety of weapons he used against Superboy, and mentioned that all these weapons he stole because he has a moral code of only stealing from thieves. Superboy got the upper hand and reclaimed the spear. The thing that was really crazy was during the scrap Scavenger kept telling Superboy that he knew that Superboy was an agent of his enemy coming to get him. Superboy just excused it as some guy too paranoid for his own good.

After the Suicide Squad took down the Silicon Dragons, Superboy, Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner), and Sam Makoa returned to the base to try to look for King Shark who mysteriously disappeared after the complex was destroyed. They instead ran into the Scavenger, who was trying to steal the weapons the dragons left behind. Aquaman's villain Black Manta was there for pretty much the same reason, and they duked it out, destroying a nuclear reactor at the base, destroying everything. Superboy got the heroes away in the nick of time.

Some time later when the Scavenger attempted to steal Metropolis he was stopped by Superman, Alpha Centurion and Impulse.

At Superboy and the Ravers' Christmas party the Scavenger crashed in to reclaim Hero's 'Achille's Vest,' which under sheer concentration allows the wearer to shield anything from harm, and he captured Sparx as well, as he accused her of stealing it. Hero admitted he found the vest when he was trying to get away from some people who meant him harm, at a place where all sorts of weapons can be found.

Superboy and the Ravers followed Hero to some Metropolis sewers, which took them to a hidden lair of the Scavenger. The Scavenger attacked them, and all but Hero were exposed to a weapon which turned them to stone. Hero, without any powers, was alone against the Scavenger. He ran to find the closest weapon he could get his hands on, which was the 'H-dial,' a dial which grants the bearer with a new super power and personality each time they dial H-E-R-O. Hero won under the identity of a character called "Human Justice," and Scavenger pleaded not to be too mad at him, since Superboy is an agent of his enemy who has sought after him since the days of when he used to hang with the Argonauts. Hero mentioned that if Scavenger unfroze Superboy and the Ravers, it would ensure that they would one day aid him against his enemy. Scavenger freed them and hasn't encountered Superboy since.

Recently, Scavenger attempted to acquire the Arrow-Car when it was put up for sale on an internet auction site. He was outbid, but decided he'd get it by any means necessary, attempting to steal it, though prevented by Green Arrow and Mia Dearden.

It is known that the Scavenger survived into the 30th century, where he met a time-travelling Superboy as well as the Legion of Super-Heroes. He was a thousand years older, but paranoid as ever, and with even more vast weaponry at his disposal. The Legion attacked him because he had a vital component to link them to the "Stasis Zone," and rescue Valor, the Daxamite world seeder, who had been trapped in the zone for one thousand years. They were successful but the Scavenger once again managed to escape.

Scavenger is a paranoid character who was a vast supply of weaponry at his disposal. His motives have never been clear, but the Scavenger collects to protect himself, and considers Superboy an agent of his enemy. Who knows all the weapons he has and what harm they can actually cause. His base was in the moon's crust, but since the JLA has moved their newest base there, he's probably moved on. He has weapons stashed probably all over the universe, so he could be anywhere right now.

[NOTE - There is no established relationship between Scavenger II and the first Scavenger, best known as an enemy of Aquaman.


For a definitive list of appearances of Scavenger in chronological order click here


Team Superman Secret Files #1 (May 1998)