 S.T.R.I.P.E. (Patrick 'Pat' Dugan)BIOGRAPHY
Created by Jerry Seigel and ?


Real Name: Patrick 'Pat' Dugan
Aliases: Stripesy
Identity: Secret
Occupation: Mechanic
Citizenship: American
Marital Status: Married
Known Relatives: Margaret Dugan (ex-wife, divorced); Michael 'Mike' Sylvester Dugan (son); Barbara Whitmore-Dugan (wife); Courtney Whitmore (step-daughter); Patricia Lynn Dugan (daughter)
Base of Operation: Civic City, PA, later near Las Vegas, NV, then Los Angeles, CA, then Blue Valley, NE, then Metropolis, DE, now back in Blue Valley, Nebraska
Group Affiliation(s): formerly All-Star Squadron, Seven Soldiers of Victory
Gender: Male
Height: 8' (as S.T.R.I.P.E.); 6' 1" (as Dugan)
Weight: 300 lbs. (as S.T.R.I.P.E.); 195 lbs. (as Dugan)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Red
First Appearance: (as Stripesy): Action Comics #40 (September 1941)

(as S.T.R.I.P.E.): Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E. #0 (July 1999): "A Chilly Day in Opal"
Creators: Jerry Seigel and ?


Mechanic Pat Dugan began his super-heroic career as Stripesy, adult sidekick to the super-powered Star-Spangled Kid, and a member of the Seven Soldiers of Victory during the Second World War. After he and the other Soldiers were rescued from time-travel adventures by the heroes of the JSA and the Justice League, Pat retired from active heroing, but gave a hand to Infinity Inc. (of which the former Kid was a member) in his capacity as a mechanic. Recently, after his marriage to Barbara Whitmore, an old friend, Sir Justin, called him to the town of Blue Valley for help. Here, his step-daughter discovered his former identity and set herself up as the new Star-Spangled Kid. Pat used an experimental robotic suit – S.T.R.I.P.E. - to keep tabs on her and later, once she had gained his trust, to aid her in her crimefighting. Since the birth of his daughter, Pat has mostly retired once more from heroing, and hopes that his son Mike will take over for him soon.


Born in the slums of a large American city, Pat Dugan learned to think with his fists, and as a large brawny child, he had plenty of time to practice. His true passions, however, were mechanics and the sciences. He had little chance to develop his talents, and eventually gained work in a auto garage shortly before the outbreak of World War II.

He found his destiny on July 4, 1941, when attending a movie. There was a disruption by pro-Nazi protesters in the audience, and when another patron who attempted to shout them down was attacked, Pat sprang to action, soundly beating the protesters. Finding out later that the bunch were Nazi spies, and hearing a policeman wishing that the American Flag could come to life and stop them, Pat whipped together a costume and tracked them down with clues he had found. He met an extremely bright young man, Sylvester Pemberton III, who called himself The Star-Spangled Kid. Teaming with him, and showing him a souped-up car, the two defeated the spies and remained a team, Pat taking a job as a mechanic/chauffeur with the Pemberton family.

Using the free time and the moneys supplied by the Pembertons, Pat developed and refined a flying car called The Star-Rocket Racer.

While corralling up some crooks, the duo came upon plans by The Hand, a crimelord, to cause a crime-wave across the country. Teaming with other heroes, both the Star-Spangled Kid and Stripesy became members of The Law's Legionaries (also known as The Seven Soldiers of Victory). After America entered World War II, the duo also joined The All-Star Squadron.

Late in 1948, starting to feel like retiring, he broke his leg on a case and was replaced by Sylvester's step-sister, The Gimmick Girl. Returning with Sylvester on a final case with the other members of the Seven Soldiers, both Stripesy and the Star-Spangled Kid were thrown through time, only to be returned decades later by members of the Justice Society and Justice League.

Now a man out of time, Pat retired from the super-hero game, only to meet a woman in Las Vegas and fall in love. She soon had a child, Michael, and left Pat to raise the infant. Later, returning the child to his mother, Pat began to take up helping his former teammate The Shining Knight in finding The Dragon King, and taking his new bride and his step-daughter to Blue Valley, NE, unveiled an armored suit he used, developed with cybernetist Robert Crane, as a crime-fighting tool.

Recently, his step-daughter has taken up the Cosmic Converter belt and the name of The Star-Spangled Kid (now calling herself Stargirl), and his son Michael has begun training in the S.T.R.I.P.E.S armor. Barbara has given birth to the couple's first child a girl named Patricia, who in the future will take up the Stargirl identity herself.


When it came to fighting, Stripesy tended to think first with his fists, but with the knowledgeable Star-Spangled Kid calling the shots and strategically placing their actions, the two were a fighting force to be reckoned with.

Stripesy, however, excelled at using even experimental or theoretical technology and giving it practical uses. Creating an engine that could lift a modern (by 1940s standards) automobile into the air and guide it like a small plane is no small feat. On returning to the modern era, Pat utilized the technologies found in the Robotman armour and created a crime-fighting tool capable of defeating many of the super-powered felons in existence today.


For a definitive list of appearances of S.T.R.I.P.E. in chronological order click here


Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #22 (December 1986)

DCU Heroes Secret Files #1 (February 1999)