Created by Geoff Johns and Ivan Reis

Igneous Man (Reg H'rr).jpg
Igneous Man


Real Name: Reg H'rr
Occupation: Assassin, Bounty Hunter
Homeworld: Solar Cities within the Andromeda Sun
Gender: Male
Eyes: Unknown
Hair: None
First Appearance: Green Lantern Vol. 4 #10 (May 2006): "Revenge of the Green Lanterns Part One"
Creators: Geoff Johns and Ivan Reis


According to records kept by the Green Lantern Corps, Reg H'rr AKA the Igneous Man is a bounty hunter and assassin for hire. From the Solar Cities within the Andromeda Sun, Reg H'rr is wanted in seventeen sectors for murder. The Igneous Man's powers include flight and the ability to generate heat and flame at temperatures high enough to melt steel. He can also withstand extreme levels of radiation.

The Igneous Man was one of many bounty hunters hired by Amon Sur to capture Green Lantern Hal Jordan, but found himself on the run from the ring wielder. Reg H'rr had been lurking around Chernobyl, possibly due to its similarity to his native environment. Jordan crossed into Russian territory to capture the Igneous Man which sparked a battle with the Rocket Red Brigade. Russia's superhuman defenders wanted to capture the Green Lantern for repeatedly violating their borders. They also wanted the Igneous Man, likely for experimentation to advance their superhuman programs. The Igneous Man fought both Green Lantern and the Rocket Reds but in the end Jordan was able to elude the Brigade and apprehend the bounty hunter, but he would not learn who had hired him.

Brought to Edwards Air Force Base in California, the Igneous Man was confined within Hangar 44 alongside Sonar, Black Hand, Hector Hammond, The Shark and a Manhunter robot. When Amon Sur arrived at Edwards to reclaim his father Abin Sur’s starship, the Igneous Man thought he would be freed. Amon Sur would not, claiming the Igneous Man had voided his contract with his failure to capture Green Lantern Hal Jordan. Instead, Amon Sur took the power battery skull of the Manhunter and went off to face Green Lantern Hal Jordan.

Presumably the Igneous Man is still held in Hangar 44.


For a definitive list of appearances of Igneous Man in chronological order click here