 Unofficial Green Arrow Vol. 3 Index

Green Arrow Vol. 3 6


Cover Date: September 2001
Cover Price: $2.50


Cover Credits:
Art: Matt Wagner (signed)

Story: "Quiver Chapter Six: The Hollow Man" (22 Pages)


StoryKevin Smith
PencilsPhil Hester
InksAnde Parks
LetteringSean Konot
ColorsGuy Major
EditingBob Schreck

Feature Character(s):

Green Arrow

Guest Star(s):

Black Canary II
Arsenal IV (next in issue #8)
Jason Blood

Supporting Character(s):

Mia Dearden


Stanley Dover


Green Arrow and Batman fight Etrigan, who claims that Arrow is 'not the archer...just his quiver', a comment which Batman does not understand at all. The demon is finally defeated by a fire-extinguisher arrow to the mouth, forcing him back into human form, that of Jason Blood. Blood tells them that Etrigan was on the trail of a 'hollow' and that he hopes Green Arrow is not the man he was seeking. They are soon joined by Arsenal and Black Canary, who have had the situation explained to them by Mia. They are delighted to see Ollie again, particularly Black Canary, when she is called 'pretty bird', a name she's not heard for years.
Mia and Stanley discuss what effect seeing his old friends may have on Ollie - as the heroes discover on their way to Jason Blood's safe-house in Star City, the answer is very little. Canary is unable to jog his memory about recent events - even significant names such as Shado, Eddie Fyers and Marianne mean nothing to him. Once they get there, Blood explains to Green Arrow that a hollow is a living human body with no soul, something which is eagerly desired by certain forms of demon - abortives - which can use it to escape from hell for a time and tend to wreak havoc when they do so. Performing an arcane rite, Blood ascertains that Arrow is indeed a hollow and does the only thing possible for the good of all - transforms himself into Etrigan to kill him.
Batman, Black Canary and Arsenal, waiting outside, hear Blood summon Etrigan and burst in, desperate to save Ollie. However, they are too late, and Green Arrow's body is soon no more than a pile of ashes...