 Unofficial Green Arrow Vol. 3 Index

Green Arrow Vol. 3 4


Cover Date: July 2001
Cover Price: $2.50


Cover Credits:
Art: Matt Wagner (signed)

Story: "Quiver Chapter Four: Membership Has Its Privileges" (22 Pages)


StoryKevin Smith
PencilsPhil Hester
InksAnde Parks
LetteringSean Konot
ColorsGuy Major
EditingBob Schreck

Feature Character(s):

Green Arrow

Guest Star(s):

Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner)
Flash III
Wonder Woman
Martian Manhunter

Supporting Character(s):

Mia Dearden


Black Manta (next in JLA #68)
Stanley Dover

Guest Appearance(s):

Black Canary II
Oracle (voice only)

Other Character(s):

Bob (first appearance; a television anchorman)
Tovah Hernandez Carlson (in between issues #2 and #41)


Aquaman and Green Arrow continue to battle against Black Manta, distracted somewhat by the media frenzy which erupts at the reappearance of Green Arrow. He (Arrow) is disturbed by Aquaman's 'new' anger and savagery, preventing him from seriously injuring the villain. Once he is safely taken care of, the two of them try to catch up on what the other has been doing, though it becomes clear that Green Arrow thinks he last saw Aquaman only two or three weeks ago. Aquaman then tells Arrow that there are some people who'd be very pleased to meet him.
Meanwhile, elsewhere in Star City, Mia sleeps soundly, while Stanley Dover is unable to sleep. And a homeless child, Juan, is picked up by the Star City Slayer, while the Slayer's 'beast' waits in misery. Also, Batman investigates the scene of the recent tangle with Black Manta, coming to the conclusion that the arrows fired there were fired by Oliver Queen rather than the newer Green Arrow Connor Hawke.
At the JLA Watchtower, Aquaman calls a meeting of the entire League to meet Arrow, who is experiencing nausea from the teleporters. They are extremely surprised to see him (to say the least), but their enthusiastic greetings and the fact that Flash and Green Lantern are not the people he remembers gets him extremely suspicious and confused. He threatens to blow out one of the Watchtower's windows, but is prevented from doing so by Batman who steps out from the shadows just in time.
Batman leaves the tower with an unconscious Green Arrow to investigate in a more 'normal' environment, while Oracle informs Black Canary that Ollie is alive.