Created by Mark Millar and Scot Kolins |
Occupation: Green Lantern
Status: Deceased
Homeworld: Xarda
Space Sector: 2167
Race: Xardan
Group Affiliation(s): Green Lantern Corps
Gender: Male
Eyes: Blue
Hair: None
First Appearance: Silver Age: Justice League of America #1 (July 2000): "The League Without Justice!"
Creators: Mark Millar and Scot Kolins
A member of the 3600 strong Green Lantern Corps, Zac Ares Bandet of Xarda served as the Green Lantern of Space Sector 2167. Bandet's heroism in the war between sound and light on the very fringes of the third dimension gained him the admiration of his fellow ring wielders and their masters, the immortal Guardians of the Universe.
Approximately six hundred Green Lanterns were present on Oa when the Guardians awarded Zac Ares Bandet the prestigious Emerald of Malthus. The ceremony was interrupted by the arrival of the Green Lantern of Space Sector 2814, Hal Jordan of Earth.
The Guardians discovered Jordan and his allies from the Justice League of America were not all they appeared. Indeed, Hal Jordan's form had been taken over by the mind of the renegade Green Lantern, Sinestro. Likewise, Barry Allen, the Silver Age Flash had been replaced by Mr. Element, Black Canary by Catwoman, and the Martian Manhunter had been usurped by Doctor Light. The villains were part of a larger scheme by the all powerful Agamemno in his bid to gain universal power.
The superspeed powers of the Flash stripped the Green Lanterns of their power rings while the other villains went about their mission; to seize the Central Power Battery which supplied the energy to their very rings. Green Lanterns such as Kilowog and Galius Zed were powerless to stop the villains.
Of all the Green Lanterns, only Zac Ares Bandet was left wielding a ring as his natural shape shifting ability allowed him to become invisible while "the Flash" struck. Bandet attacked the villains to find himself opposed by the Martian Manhunter. Using J'Onn J'onzz' shape shifting powers, Doctor Light was able to change his color to yellow, over which Ares Bandet's ring had no power. The villain killed the Green Lantern of Xarda while the other "Justice Leaguers" took the Central Battery and left Oa behind them.
The Guardians were able to mobilize the rest of the Corps to confront the villains in space but the Green Lanterns were unsuccessful. Agamemno and his villainous allies were ultimately defeated by the Justice League of America and others heroes of Earth.
Zac Ares Bandet was memorialized in the Crypts of the Green Lantern Corps on Oa.
As a Green Lantern, Zac Ares Bandet possessed a power ring and power battery.
For a definitive list of appearances of Zac Ares Bandet in chronological order click here